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Pilot stands up to TSA

Good for him. But, honestly, why strip search a pilot for bombs and such? He can already carry a gun if he wanted and, of course, he could just fly the fucking plane into the ground. But he better not have more than 3 ounces of toothpaste or the bureaucracy gets displeased. Idiocy.

8 Responses to “Pilot stands up to TSA”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    I think they’re no longer allowed to be armed

  2. Jake Says:

    Seriously. If they don’t trust him with a weapon, why are they letting him fly the plane in the first place?

    TSA = The Stupid Administration

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Texas State House has a speed line for CCW people, TSA just added more delays because an airline is now down a pilot.

    Wonder how long Osama Bin Laden will be laughing when he gets this story?

  4. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    He’s referring to the FFDO program.

  5. Link P Says:

    The FFDO armed pilot program is still active.

    It’s not like an unarmed pilot has access to the crash axe, right? Oh, wait, he does!

    There really needs to be a Liberty Airlines. I’d rather have the option to take my chances than to further legitimize this security theater.

  6. divemedic Says:

    I flew to Puerto Rico two years ago. It REALLY upset me that some TSA drone demanded to see my papers and quizzed me on where I was going and why. I couldn’t help but feel that something was really, really wrong with our country, that any person would have to submit to this.

  7. justaguy Says:

    and this is exactly why i am getting my pilots license

  8. Phelps Says:

    I opted out of the X-ray this week in Indianapolis. Apparently it’s common enough now to not raise any eyebrows, or they were slightly better trained. I didn’t refuse the faux-pat down, though. I’m still trying to figure out what a “pat-down” that doesn’t actually touch any places that a person would actually conceal a device is worth, though.

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