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Libertarian or Rapper

I laughed at this quiz. Bob Barr is hard.

4 Responses to “Libertarian or Rapper”

  1. comatus Says:

    And Bob Barr, my brother, is indubitably down wid dat. Say it three times fast, it picks up a back beat.

    (9 of 10, Dealin’ Jack Stossel got me.)

  2. bob r Says:

    I not aware of any reason a “rapper” could not also be a “libertarian”.

  3. Magus Says:

    I wasn’t aware that Robert Laurence “Bob” Barr, Jr. was actually a libertarian. Calls himself one; actually being one–nope, neither big “L” or small “l”

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    …from way back in 1987 – man, that early rap just doesn’t seem to hold up like “Holiday in Cambodia” does.

    “Paid in Full”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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