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Can’t we all just get a long gun?

Cracks me up. You see, whenever I’m critical of GOA, I’m an NRA apologist. And they can do no wrong. Because I’ve never criticized them for things like taking credit for the SAF’s work or their lame fundraising attempts or other things.

But it is a fair point that, by virtue of voting party line 97% of the time, maybe gun rights aren’t that well served.

9 Responses to “Can’t we all just get a long gun?”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    I am from the Nra I am here to help…. our organization.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    “If they want to claim they are single issue, they need to stop referring to themselves as “the oldest civil rights organization” in the US. ”

    There’s nothing inaccurate about the NRA calling themselves that. Gun rights are a civil right. They’re the oldest organization that defends a civil right. They don’t claim to defend all civil rights.

  3. alan Says:

    Where do you draw the line for that single issue?

    The Disclose Act, if made law, will certainly affect gun rights.

    While the NRA is a single issue organization, there are a lot of political factors affecting that issue that the NRA ignores.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Where do you draw the line for that single issue?

    I don’t think you can. But it’s a good idea to recognize the flaws or the good things from either method.

  5. markofafreeman Says:

    Re-reading my post, I can see that it looked like I was calling you an NRA-can-do-no-wrong apologist. It wasn’t my intention, and I’ll remain neutral on that. (Haven’t been reading you enough to know, but I’ll take your word for it regarding the times you called the NRA out on a few things.)

    However, I stand by my criticism of those critical of the GOA’s perfectly legitimate actions, like the issue at hand (Halvorson’s downgrade).

    To Laughingdog, I responded on my blog. Once again, read the cover story in the October, 2010 issue of America’s 1st Freedom and try to spin that as single-issue.

  6. chris Says:

    “But it is a fair point that, by virtue of voting party line 97% of the time, maybe gun rights aren’t that well served.”

    Examples, please.

    Who are the Democratic House members who voted against the stridently anti-2A Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Senators who voted against confirming Sotomayor and Kagan that the GOA should be supporting?

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Examples, please.


  8. Rivrdog Says:

    To be fair, I remember a letter, signed by 65 “Blue Dog Democrats” about a year ago that pretty much told Pelosi to piss up a rope on HR 45 and any other anti-gun bill like it, telling her from that point on that there would be NO anti-gun legislation out of this Congress.

    And, that pretty much held, but in no way can the NRA take the lion’s share of credit for that. Nor can the GOA, IMHO. The only thing the NRA CAN take credit for is preserving the corporate existence of that cretin of a company, Lifelock, and for somehow maintaining SOME standards of proper firearms instruction and range safety. If I were the NRA, I would retreat to this level of good work, and make promotion of gun safety and good instruction their reason for being. Leave the legal work to those, like Alan Gura, who are not only better equipped to handle it, but are more motivated as well.

    The NRA’s penchant for living and breathing Washingtoon political lobbying makes them all look like fools at the least, and hogs with snouts in the trough at worst.

  9. The Packetman Says:

    telling her from that point on that there would be NO anti-gun legislation out of this Congress.

    This sentiment is half-way to explaining why the grades of both organizations are flawed at best, by putting Rivrdog’s shoe on the other foot. With Nancy Pelosi as speaker, you can also damned well believe there will be no pro-gun legislation coming out of this congresws, either. How many of those 65 blue-dogs voted for Pelosi for speaker, hmmm?

    On a recent post, Sebastian asks whether this is an example of an anti-gun record, and I noticed there are a lot of ‘co-sponsored’ pro-gun legislation, but none of that legislation ever got to a vote, therefore it’s irrelevant who did or didn’t cosponsor.

    As Markofafreeman points out, once you vote for a gun-grabber to control the agenda, what you do whatever makes the NRA happy, because they’ll not ultimately get what they want …. they can only pressure to hold the line on what we have currently.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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