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Community Chest

It’s funny, this blogging thing. Lots of folks using pseudonyms and all of that. The other night when I was about to go on NRA News’ Cam and Company radio show, I had this conversation with the call screener that I thought was funny:

Call screener: Is this Chance?

Me: Yes.

Call screener: What’s your real name?

Me: Uh, Chance.

Call screener: Oh. Sorry. Usually when I talk to bloggers they go by names like Snowflake or something.


13 Responses to “Community Chest”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Funny, I don’t generally have that problem…

  2. Bitter Says:

    Interesting since: a) he doesn’t go by Snowflake, b) they know us both by our first names, and c) they should even know us by sight since we’ve been down in studio often enough.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    oh, i know they know you. i found it odd and funny.

  4. Fred Says:

    I’m completely unoriginal. I do use a pseudonym on forums though.

  5. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Sez Weer’dington Elisabeth Beard on my birth Certificate. You’d be amazed at how many telemarketers mispronounce that!

  6. Mad Man Says:

    Let’s be honest here. Your real name is [redacted]

    [We never mention that. Not because I care that it gets out but because it sounds silly – Ed.]

  7. Mad Man Says:


  8. Davidwhitewolf Says:

    Every time somebody tries to belittle me for using a pseudonym I point out that I’m in good company with those noted cowards Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. The Federalist Papers is just a very old-school blogrant, really.

  9. Phelps Says:

    That’s a nice thing about Phelps. It sounds like a government name, and with all the yuppies naming their kids with last names, people just assume it is. Plus, no one really remembers who Jim Phelps was anyways, which is where I picked the name from in some cheesy online game back in the wild and wooly years of the mid-nineties.

  10. nk Says:

    I was named after a great-uncle that was executed by the Nazis at age sixteen. You were named the Indian way?

  11. Gunner M. Says:

    What I enjoy is the luck of being a gun lover named Gunner….thanks to my “chief gunners mate” grandfather that had the nickname of ‘Gunner’.

  12. Timmeehh Says:

    Not “Chance the Gardner” are you?

  13. JJR Says:

    I’m told I have two first names…last name Ronald, which people always want to spell “Roland”, and I have to tell them no, it’s Scottish, not French, so Ronald is correct. When I was a freshman cadet at Texas A&M, “fish” are not permitted to use their first names, so you are fish Jones, etc. One of my outfit buddies was named Ronald W. (he went by “Ron”)…as a joke, our upperclassmen would stand us together and try to psych us out by addressing us rapidly “fish Ronald, fish W.!” back and forth, and then drop the “fish” from my last name, addressing him directly by HIS first name, which required an automated response of “Sir, it is not a fish privileged to have a first name!”

    Ah, the Aggie Corps and its head games…how I miss those days–not. It does keep you mentally sharp, though.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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