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When seconds count

The police are minutes away, filling out paperwork in triplicate, and planning. This was one of the criticisms during the Columbine attack. The police play-book is usually secure and contain. This is horrible policy when there’s an active shooter, bombs are going off or any other violence possibly happening. Some police departments have since re-evaluated that plan. And more need to.

Via Glenn.

3 Responses to “When seconds count”

  1. trackerk Says:

    Their protocol is to protect themselves first, catch the bad guys if they can, and take pictures of your body and write the report. You are on your own.

  2. Jay Says:

    Guns alone wouldn’t have saved this guy. He was woken up by a blow to the head with a baseball bat. By then, it was too late.

  3. Skip Says:

    Maybe not. But a gun on her may have changed the situation a little.

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