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The bigotry of lowered expectations

You know how the McDonald decision, giving a black man a gun, was racist? Well, it’s racist again. A genius named Pam Adams says that the decision is racist because the supreme court has said that restricting second amendment rights to felons is likely OK. And, you know, black people are felons.


Via thirdpower.

6 Responses to “The bigotry of lowered expectations”

  1. Hypnagogue Says:

    I agree with the premise, though. You can’t morally deprive a felon of the ability to defend himself. A felon’s life is very hard, and they are forced to live in the worst neighborhoods on minimum wage. They need guns.

    If you remove a cat’s claws, you accept that they are your responsibility, and you keep them safe. Anything less is cruelty.

  2. Paul Says:

    I would ask Pam if all blacks are felons, or just some of them. As to the cat reference, LOL.

  3. JJR Says:

    I’m ok with restoring 2A rights to nonviolent felons who have served their time and repaid their debt to society.

  4. Jake Says:

    I’m ok with restoring 2A rights to any felon who we deem safe enough to let out of jail unsupervised.

    If we can’t trust them with a gun, we can’t trust them to be loose in the first place.

  5. Matthew Carberry Says:

    I presume she’ll use her bully pulpit to join myself and the above posters in expressing our feelings about blanket “felon prohibition” legislation then?

  6. Scott Says:

    It’s probably pretty far down the list for most folks (if it’s even on their list) but the wholesale restoration of rights to convicted felons will need to be an issue that anyone who takes the word “liberty” seriously will need to consider.

    The word is almost universally associated with violent or, at the very least, reprehensible crimes when, in fact, the U.S. Code affords a vast array of sundry and questionable felonious crimes. When an Amish dude is prosecuted for selling raw milk to his neighbors and, therefore, becomes a “felon” the meaning of the word needs to be re-evaluated. And with that re-evaluation we need to wonder at what it is exactly we’re trying to achieve by denying felons their natural rights.

    Next time: I rant at our cultural belief that prison rape is somehow funny, or just, or both.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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