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Governor signs bill saying carry permit funds can’t be raided.

2 Responses to “In FL”

  1. deadcenter Says:

    Nice gesture. At least their hearts are in the right place. Only one thing about it though. This is a legislative body, passing a law making it illegal for that same body to pass a law to do what they shouldn’t be doing in the first place…… How does that fix things?!? All they have to do is have enough votes to pass another law ALLOWING them to do what they said they wouldn’t do, if they really want to do it.
    My head is spinning………..

  2. Mikee Says:

    Please, some lawyer, can you explain how this law is supposed to do anything at all?

    I just read the bill. There are no penalties, civil or criminal, for disobeying it. It is a law without teeth.

    What will happen if the legislature ignores this law and raids the trust fund? Nothing will happen, except the fund will go where the legislature wants the cash to go.

    Who is the official responsible for ensuring the law is not violated? Not clear, unless it is the AG for Florida. And again, what can he do other than jump up and down screaming until he is blue in the face, “They raided the trust fund! They took the money!” He cannot stop the transfer of funds that I can tell, and he cannot punish anyone for raiding the funds.

    Go, Florida! I salute your impotent act of good intentions!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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