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Free Speech

Cannot be used to defend property rights. Unless it’s art. Paint some happy little trees on it.

One Response to “Free Speech”

  1. Lyle Says:

    But wait; the sign says “end eminent domain abuse”, but there’s that red circle with the red line through it, which means the sign is opposed to that thing inside the red circle. Taken literally then, the mural is against ending eminent domain abuse, in favor of eminent domain abuse, and therefore qualifies as art.

    The local government should praise it as a gritty, bold artistic statement against The Man, The Corporate System– against American Principles, Man, and start subsidizing it. The owner should get a cover shot on The Rolling Stone and an invite to the next Playboy mansion party.

    It’s all been a misunderstanding. Hello?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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