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Times are tough all over

A woman is upset because a man used a coupon on their date.

7 Responses to “Times are tough all over”

  1. Pete Says:

    That makes me laugh because my girlfriend refuses to eat anywhere that she does not have a coupon for.

  2. Phelps Says:

    I’m going to start doing this. I can’t think of a better way to weed the good women away from the crypto-prostitutes.

  3. bob dole Says:

    Phelps, that is brilliant.

  4. treefroggy Says:

    The only thing that would have been better is if he asked her to leave the tip.

  5. Ted Says:

    If I wasn’t married already, I’d start doing this too. Hilarity!

  6. Fûz Says:

    Oh, do read the comments. And submit your own.

  7. Rivrdog Says:

    Anyone else notice that the advice columnist didn’t really address the root of the issue, but tried to get her readers to dig up more annoying stuff on their male dates?

    Not much of a problem-solver, that broad.

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