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Out and about

Guns: Not Just for the Home Anymore.

Also, kinda funny. Opponents to the suit are dragging up longstanding constitutional principles like the densely populated area and the people more important than you live here exemptions to the second amendment:

Peter Nickles, the District’s attorney general, [thinks] allowing handguns to be kept in homes in one of the most dangerous cities in the country was bad enough. Permitting people to pack heat while they walk around — amid presidential motorcades, foreign dignitaries, public protests — is downright crazy, he says. And it makes already difficult police work even harder.

4 Responses to “Out and about”

  1. Illinoisvoter Says:

    “Opponents to the suit are dragging up longstanding constitutional principles like the densely populated area and the people more important than you live here exemptions to the second amendment:”

    Soon to be known as the failed City of Chicago Defense.

  2. Ted Says:

    Aww, I’ll make sure I shed a tear for all the well paid security guys that’ll have to work. Geez, if people’d just give up their constitutional rights, these poor, rich, security surrounded, scared of their own shadow, far more important that you, yet still cares about the common man, fancy themselves royalty, these turds’d have a so much easier time. If only I cared. Heh.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    None of these important people is more important than I. If they were I would agree that they should run away. Yep, just run away. I’ll stay and handle the problem. Oh shit! That means they aren’t that important, who knew?

  4. Vote For David Says:

    You people just don’t appreciate how hard police work is, that’s all. We should try to make police work easier on the police. Nevermind your stupid “liberties.”


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