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NRA Statement on Motion for Divided Argument in McDonald

It is here:

NRA’s solitary goal in McDonald is to ensure that our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms applies to every law-abiding American in every state. We are hopeful that the Court will share our view that the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment clearly intended to apply the Second Amendment to the states.

A worthy goal, no doubt. Some folks, however, have questioned the strategy here.

2 Responses to “NRA Statement on Motion for Divided Argument in McDonald”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Since the 14th Amendment was one of the two that ended slavery and historically, the primary aspect of slavery was to disarm and kee slaves unarmed, then it should clearly be that the 2nd Amendment and ALL of the Bill of Rights applies to the States and other rights guarnateeing Amendments like voting in the 15th Amendment.

    But then there are still pro-slavery politicians in our present local, state and federal governments.

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Ron, correct, but there is a lot of revisionist history, especially among the Lost Causers who claim that the BoR only applies against the feds.

    The NRA, based in Ol’ Virginny, is smart to do this to separate themselves from the Lost Causers who claim “I say, I say I can still oppress them thar colored boys because them thar Yankees was a bunch a meanies, I say, I say.”

    Makes the City of Chicago side with the South, a fitting end to Daley’s gun control scheme.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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