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CCW Suit

UK University of Kentucky grad student suing after he was fired for having a gun in his car.

edited for confusion.

6 Responses to “CCW Suit”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    YES !!! SUE SUE SUE !! This doesnt surprise me in the least, but at least he is standing up! This is what needs to happen EVERY SINGLE TIME! If all of the people who were treated like this stood up and sued foor every single mistreatment and OBSERVE every part and parcel of the law applied, not only will we win in the long haul, but it will COST THEM SO MUCH MONEY that they will get sick of fighting it and LEAVE IT ALONE as it should be. It is a sad day in America when you have to go to court to observe your Constitional Rights and States rights! Good luck and thank you for stannding up!! BUY MORE AMMO

  2. Xrlq Says:

    I misread your post to mean that a grad student in the United Kingdom had gotten fired, but miraculously not prosecuted, for having one of those dirty things only cops, criminals and Americans are supposed to have. I guess we’re not that winning (yet?).

  3. JJR Says:

    I also thought it was a UK (United Kingdom) graduate student (resident alien), but studying here in the USA…

    Then I read the story.

    When I worked for Texas Woman’s University, the campus police told us (univ. staff) we could keep whatever we wanted in our vehicles parked at the university (long guns, handguns, etc) but campus carry was, and still is verboten.

    Sounds like at Univ. of Kentucky they can’t even do THAT. Also, note the extreme hoplophobia that surrounds the healing professions (he was studying/working in a medical related field). Best to keep your trap shut in that work environment. Loose lips, all that.

    I wish him luck in his lawsuit, but I’m sure he’d just rather have his job back and go quietly back to work.

  4. Madrocketscientist Says:

    The first rule of Carry Club is, we don’t talk about Carry Club.

  5. harp1034 Says:

    He never should have told them he had a gun in his car. Then he let the campus police search it. What an idoit. Moral of the story keep your mouth shut. Gun? What gun? Yeah, I have one at home.

  6. SteveA Says:

    They(the university) are screwed if this goes to court. As the law states :

    “237.106 Right of employess & other persons to possess firearms in a vehicle.
    No person,including but not limited to an employer, who is the owner, lessee, or occupant of real estate shall prohibit any person who is legally entitled to possess a firearm from possessing a firearm in a vehicle on the property.”

    As is stands they are SSOOO screwed!

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