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Police Guns

Goose Creek Police using AK-47s?

I guess, better to raid high schools with.

2 Responses to “Police Guns”

  1. B Smith Says:

    It’s a PR move on the GCPD’s part, so the lamestream media will actually get one thing right when reporting incidents 😀
    When cops in my li’l township wanted to carry “patrol carbines” (AR15’s) in their cruisers I was somewhat surprised, having assumed that they’d done it for years. My second reaction was, “why not M1 carbines, or one of the nifty li’l 9MM jobs in tacticool black?” I understand the occasional need for a slightly longer shot/ better sight radius, but these guys are NOT exactly SWAT, and I’d feel a whole lot better knowing there weren’t FMJ .223’s ricocheting all over the suburbs. The cynic in me figures that these guys have no clue WHY a carbine is advantageous, and just wanted some cool new toys to show off.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Time to hang 14 Goose Creek cops and one school principal.

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