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For Christmas

Senate Democrats decided to give your money to a bunch of special interests. A bill that nobody likes but it passed anyway.

5 Responses to “For Christmas”

  1. Wes S. Says:

    I would have been happier with lumps of coal for Christmas.

    Just in the past week, with health care deform, raising the national debt limit and Obama’s decision to exempt Interpol agents from Constitutional restrictions, our national Christmas stocking has instead been filled with smelly, squishy lumps of something else.

    But hey, at least it’s organic!

  2. JKB Says:

    So sorry, coal strictly forbidden, especially for children. Provision of coal or coal by-products to children will be prosecuted as crimes against climate, as well as attempted dirtying of a child. Provision of gifts to children which could result in the need to wash them is strictly forbidden.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    And violence grows ever more likely.

  4. M4Finny Says:

    “And violence grows ever more likely.”

    I pray not, but prepare still.

  5. Robert Says:

    Its a Claire Wolfe Festivius!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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