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Doing it wrong

Someone just landed here for the web search “baby beagle disassembly”. Ok, then.

10 Responses to “Doing it wrong”

  1. daniels Says:

    They probably overlooked the sticker that said “No user serviceable parts inside”

  2. Mik Says:

  3. Mikee Says:

    Sure, putting them baby beagles together is fine, because the instructions tell you how to do it, but do they tell ya how to disassemble them? Not bloody likely….

  4. Les Jones Says:

    Those darned Satanists.

  5. comatus Says:

    Said it before, saying it again. Since the days of Gutenberg, there is no greater source of humor than the typographical error. They’re just so…telling.

    People who kant spel are missing all the good joks.

  6. Jim W Says:

    he probably meant baby deagle

  7. Jim W Says:

    as in baby desert eagle, with deagle being the internets nickname for the (full size) desert eagle. The object for the desert eagle weapon in the old counterstrike game was “deagle.”

  8. Kristopher Says:

    Before you can disassemble your beagle, you must first get it airborne.

  9. Bobby Says:

    Jim W gets it!

  10. CMathews Says:

    Next it will be micro beagle disassembly. Then soon enough, 1911 beagle disassembly. Where will it end? PETA would have a field day with all these people trying to take apart those poor micro and baby beagles.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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