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Last post on the shooting

Shifted to a lone gunman narrative. Several folks report lots of shots and rifle fire in different areas. 2 suspects released. Supposedly a fourth person in custody. Shooter was killed by police. Keeps changing so no more posting on it until we actually, err, know stuff.

12 Responses to “Last post on the shooting”

  1. Bobby Says:

    Sounds like a plan.

  2. julie Says:

    drats – i was quite enjoying the “revelations of truth vs early fictional reporting” and it was easier to get it here then by trawling various news sites …

  3. mariner Says:

    Does a loan gunman borrow someone else’s gun?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    i’m glad i have proofreaders because i suck at it.

  5. BenC Says:

    OK at this point lets assume a lone gunman.Anybody want to take bets that the wrong lessons will be learned from the people in charge from this incident just like they were at the VT incident.

  6. Wanda Says:

    “loan gunman” are mortgage bankers.

  7. RAH Says:

    This may be real bad for gun rights. This man may have had a CCW since he resided in Texas but came from MD.

    I am not surprised that we have a man in the US military that had conflicted loyalties between his faith and his country. There were no conflicts until he is asked to serve in a muslim country that we are have ongoiing military actions.

    We have Born and bred American of christian faith that have litttle or no loyalty to America. why ne surprised that a mans’s faith can cause a conflict in his loyalty.

    Especially since MD is such a liberal state and there exists a lot of anti war attitude in MD and in DC.

    Recall there was soldier that pre invasion fragged officers in Kuwait because he was muslim and considered it a conflct of loyaties.

    Just as some can not serve in the military due to religous reasons, perhaps we should allow a release for those with true conflicts. Of course it is obvious that his enlisted oath awearing loyalty was not binding on him.

  8. Billy Beck Says:

    U.S. Army presser reporting now that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is alive and in custody.

  9. BenC Says:

    I am assuming that since he was a physiologist that he was not being asked to pick up a rifle and kill other Muslims he was being asked to help people not hurt them just as a medical doctor would be so what bearing does his religion have on that?

  10. Hypnagogue Says:

    We know lots of stuff you haven’t mentioned, as reported by the people that personally knew the shooter:

    – lifelong muslim
    – parents are Jordanian
    – speaks Arabic
    – objected to the war because “muslims shouldn’t fight muslims”
    – scheduled to deploy to Iraq for the first time
    – killed 12 unarmed American soldiers

    I don’t see how this narrative is terribly complicated. He’s a traitor.

  11. Ed Says:

    I have to give it to the General giving the presser. When asked whether the animal would survive, the General said: “His death is not imminent.” That is a wonderfully laconic statement. This wretch will die an unnatural death, but at the end of a rope in Kansas.

  12. wizardoc Says:

    This wretch will die an unnatural death, but at the end of a rope in Kansas.

    Or in GenPop.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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