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I lied, not the last post

Shooter turns out to be not dead. And he also had been posting on the internet about suicide bombings.

18 Responses to “I lied, not the last post”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    I would say, given the nature of the offense, he ought to be lined up in front of a firing squad. But I doubt Obama has the minerals.

  2. Huck Says:

    No, a firing squad is a honorable method of execution. Hermann Goering requested execution by firing squad when he was convicted at Nuremberg citing that it was the honorable way for a Soldier to be executed but was denied because he’d been convicted as a criminal.

    Just find a tree with a good stout branch and get a good rope and hang Hasan like the criminal he is.

  3. Jake Says:

    Jeeze, did the press get anything right?

    I find it somewhat comforting that he’ll (probably) be tried by a military court – as I understand it, they’re held to a different standard than the civilian courts, and the UCMJ is a bit tougher punishment-wise.

  4. Vote For David Says:

    What are you guys talking about, firing squad, rope-wasting, etc. for?

    It’s not like this is an “allegedly” situation here! You got 31 people who can point and say “THAT GUY right there shot me.”

    Just let him bleed out! No pain meds, no band-aids. Put some towels around his sorry ass so he doesn’t bleed all over the place. Medical care is for humans. Faithful muslims, oops I mean terrorists, oops I mean aleeeeeged mass murderers should just be left to die where they were shot by the actual People in the room.

    Or, as the drug squad cops say: “Watch your head getting in the car sir”

  5. straightarrow Says:

    I just can’t believe a member of the “religion of peace” would do such a thing. Didn’t he get the Mainstream memo about peaceful religions?

  6. Number9 Says:

    Uh, the motivation sounds a little like a word we cannot say.

  7. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    Stolen from AceoSHQ:

    Fom the link:
    “The gunman who killed 12 people today at Ft. Hood appears, based on current media reports, to be Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan who was listed as a participant in a Homeland Security Policy Institute’s presidential transition task force last year.

    The task force was not officially affiliated with the White House. It was a project of the Homeland Security Policy Institute, an independent thinktank housed at George Washington University, aimed at drafting policy recommendations for the incoming Obama administration.”

  8. Wanda Says:

    Yeah, let’s blame it on a religion again because everyone knows that your weapons killed no one yesterday. (Like there weren’t 1,000,000+ Muslims in the USA who killed no one yesterday too.)

    Pot, kettle, black.

    If it isn’t the weapon, it’s not the religion either.

  9. RAH Says:

    Rather than blame it on his religion lets blame it on his profession as a psychiatrist was obviously deranged.

    The military is going to have to think about the problem of conflicting loyalties with the number of immigrants and non Americans in the military as well as religious conflicts.
    The Amish, as pacifists are excused from military obligations.

    This man could not resolve his conflict of his muslim sympathy and serving in a muslim theatre.

    Funny how that is a problem for an American muslim but not for an Iraqi, Pakistan muslim who has no problems battling fellow muslims.

  10. Snowdog Says:

    I say, let him have a firing squad.

    Just soak the ammo in pig fat and lube the rifles with bacon grease before shooting him. and bury him in a pigskin coffin.

  11. Wolfwood Says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but did the military see Eastern Orthodox service members refuse to be deployed to the Balkans? I’m not aware of any, but I could be wrong.

  12. Bobby Says:

    Snowdog- I think Jack Pershing set some sort of precident for that…

  13. Ron W Says:

    The accomplices to this murdering criminal are those who maintain yet another “gun-free zone” to keep our soldiers as sitting duck—on a military base!!!

    Only your enemy disarms you and keeps you that way.

  14. RAH Says:

    Christians willingly kill other Christians. The human ability to commit murder is not restrained by religion.
    There are exceptions such as Jehova Witness and the Amish. Muslims kill other Muslims all the time for various reasons. It is rational to presume that American Muslims are capable for the battlefild. I expect it was this doctor’s doctrination as anti American and anti war that was his leading objections to be sent to the ME is my guess. There are a lot of Americans don’t support American values and be loyal to America.

    That number will increase with the Commander in Chief as one of them.

    I wonder how effective he was at his job with soldiers suffering combat stress when he thinks the cause is wrong.

  15. RAH Says:

    The military idea is that soldiers are not political is naive. Many soldiers’ ideology impact their ability to be effective, It is not that simple to have humans soldier on without their ideology having an affect.

    We have rare exceptions of American Muslims attacking their own companions. I do believe that the military may want to consider how to handle the issue of conflicting loyalties when making assignments.

    If this man was not forced to deploy against his faith then he may have not been wasted and killed and injured so many others.

    As of now his life is gone even if he lives and his victims are also lost.

    I have no sympathy for the murderer but would like to see the military consider these issues.

  16. DAD Says:

    No firing squad or rope put him in a pig pen with pigs Then after a few weeks of that then bring out the rope.

  17. DAD Says:

    Print This Article
    By Ahmed Simon
    During my recent visit to Manila, I was surprised to read the annals of the 1911 local history. It has been said that one could always learn from the past. The annals go like this (due to brevity, I will cut the stories short).

    During the US colonial occupation of the Philippines in 1911, the colonel in charge of the small, but remote island of Palawan, was having a terrible time countering the Islamic Jihad being fought there. With only a battalion at his disposal, he was outgunned and out manned. Interested in history, the colonel realized, knowing the enemy is half the battle won. He thought the only way to beat these Islamic terrorists is to ascertain their religious weaknesses. He noticed that Muslims go to great lengths to give a wide berth to avoid dogs – even small ones. This odd phenomenon, though he had seen frequently, never struck the colonel to investigate before. This time though, he made inquiries, and was informed that Muslims are not allowed to touch dogs. (The Hadith, details the reasons for this. Prophet Mohammed did not realize where the horrible stinking smell was coming from, until three days later, he saw his dead puppy dog decomposing under his bedstead. He then cursed all dogs, and from then on, Muslims are not allowed to touch dogs, especially its saliva around the mouth). The colonel then immediately ordered for as many dogs as he could get. As soon as 37 dogs were delivered, he sent his men armed with dogs into the local Muslims’ houses (bedrooms, kitchen, and all) in a ‘house to house’ search supposedly for Islamic terrorists. This type of ‘house to house’ searches terrified the local Muslims. The Muslim leaders immediately cooperated with the Americans by voluntarily and freely catching the Islamic terrorists (dead or alive) and handing them over to the Americans.

    Soon after, an American General, John L. Hansen Jr. who was in charge of the larger southern Philippine Island of Mindanao was amused to know of the Palawan episode. Mindanao was overwhelmed with Islamic Jihad too, creating destruction, murder, rape, looting, bombings, kidnappings, beheadings, etc. General Hansen was at his wits end and was loosing a lot of his men, with no sign of improvement, whatever plan he initiated. In July 1911, the generals soldiers managed to capture 8 Islamic Terrorists. A subsequent trial found 7 of the Islamic terrorists to be executed and the eighth to 19 years imprisonment.

    Taking a cue from the colonel in the Palawan Island, who successfully quelled the Islamic insurrection there, General Hansen decided to also use this opportunity to set Islam against Islam. He devised a plan to put an end to this Islamic insurrection in Mindanao Island. In the wee hours of the morning, he had the 7 Islamic terrorists to dig their own graves. The eighth terrorist was handcuffed and made to watch the American execution process. The 7 Islamic terrorists were then tied to 7 posts, but without blindfolds, so that they too could see the proceedings of their own execution. Years of Islamic nurturing, taught the Muslims that, if a pig contaminated their bodies, they would go direct to the fires of hell permanently; instead of as martyrs to paradise to enjoy sex exclusively with 72 fair virgin maidens forever. The soldiers then slaughtered a live Pig in front of them. The terrorists’ clothes and body were smeared with the pig’s blood and fat. The pig was cut into 7 portions and placed in each grave. On witnessing all this, the terrorists’ eyes almost popped out, and it terrified the terrorists. Some even urinated out of shear terror and all went blue/black shouting and screaming for Allah to save them but in vain. The terrorists were petrified of such a death and burial, and were left to beg, cry, bawl, plead, and scream their souls out, all day.

    At sundown, the 7 terrorists were shot and their bodies were placed in each grave, together with the chunk of pork. The eighth Islamic Terrorist was ordered to fill up the 7 graves and subsequently set free. This 8th terrorist fled for his life and the news spread like wildfire, and immediately all Muslims became aware of the unique but very UN-Islamic ‘American system of execution’, and just the thought alone, terrorized all the Muslims into a fit of total terror. The Islamic Jihad vanished almost instantaneously.

  18. workinwifdakids Says:

    The gunman wasn’t even done shooting before the feds started screaming “This has nothing to do with terrorism! We’re sure of it! Nothing to see here! Do not pay attention to the man behind the curtain!”

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