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Handy Tip

Or how to tell you’re about to get your ass kicked.

Watch this video from where Great Britain Used to Be. If you’re wailing and screaming and huffing and puffing while the object of your aggression stands there calmly and quietly with his hands casually folded in front of him then it is probably a good sign he hasn’t quite felt threatened by you yet.

Via David.

13 Responses to “Handy Tip”

  1. _Jon Says:

    I would have dropped him long before that.

  2. Mikee Says:

    I have not been in a situation like that since high school, more than three decades ago, and it still makes me angry to see someone harassed in that manner. What the video demonstrates is a cowardly fool working himself into enough of an emotional state to attack someone. Jon is correct to state that defensive action was justified and necessary the first time the idiot chav became confrontational and approached so closely to the gentleman.

    I think the gentleman handled the chav in a very restrained manner, and I am very glad it was videotaped and put on YouTube to disgrace the aggressive idiot.

    I am also amazed that this was a one-on-one confrontation; a few people calmly surrounding the idiot might have de-escalated the situation, or at least helped in restraining the idiot chav when he finally worked himself up to attack. Or, you know, maybe breaking every bone in his idiot body.

  3. JKB Says:

    Britain has very odd habit of charging those who defend themselves. The gentleman was very appropriate, not acting until it was apparent his defense was necessary to stop the immediate threat of bodily harm. He could have acted at one of the earlier laying on of hands but would have been at risk of being charged as a belligerent. Instead he showed restraint, an effort to allow the situation to de-escalate and only enough force to stop the threat of injury. All would have seen him in good stead had he been hauled into court either criminal or civil.

  4. Number9 Says:

    He had to be restrained. He has two black belts. That is called building a case.

  5. Pete Says:

    When the defensive guy put up his hands into that martial arts stance I knew an asskicking was about to commence.

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    I liked the crawling backwards part by the idiot.

  7. Huck Says:

    My hat’s off to the guy in the dark shirt. He showed a lot more restraint than I would’ve.

  8. BobG Says:

    The punk was lucky he lived in the UK; around here somebody would have kicked his ass about ten seconds into it, and then had the cops haul him off.

  9. M4finny Says:

    Learned a new Brit slang term today …. “chav”. Seems to apply to most wannabe fakers in America. Like it and gonna use it often.

  10. HardCorps Says:

    White skinny ass kids street gangs…

    We all know why this doesn’t happen in America, and I’m sure everyone here will keep it that way.

  11. monkeyfan Says:

    What a paragon of restraint that man was.

    The sad part is that in ‘modern day’ Britain he had to wait that long, even with videotaped evidence of an assault against his person, to avoid a likely charge being set against him.

  12. dave Says:

    When you see someone take an angled stance with their leading hand “out and open” and the weak hand close to the chest, chances are they know what they’re doing.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with that kind of restraint, both before the fight and during.

  13. Rabbit Says:

    chav- Council-housed and violent.

    In the coming Bad Times, they’re first on the menu.

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