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Guns in parks workshop

The Rep:

Today, September 3 at 5:00 p.m., the Knoxville City Council will consider an ordinance that, if passed would remove a long-time ban on the possession of firearms within city parks.

The meeting will be held at the City County Building located at 400 Main St. in Knoxville. You can also contact your city leaders Mayor Bill Haslam at (865) 215-2040 and the City Council Members at (865) 215-2075 and voice your thoughts of this resolution and effort to allow you your right to self-defense in local parks.

One Response to “Guns in parks workshop”

  1. Forgotten Liberty Says:

    If they repeal the ban on firearms in the city parks, then gang members and thugs might start carrying guns there! (read with a sarcastic voice) Why do some people think that banning guns from a location will keep criminals from carrying guns there? If this city park ordinance has kept criminals and bad people from carrying guns, then why don’t they just pass an ordinance banning crime in the whole city?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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