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Or mangy dog?

4 Responses to “Chupacabra”

  1. Rabbit Says:

    Looks like a young Canis latrans with a classic case of demodectic mange to me. If the mange is bad enough it can kill them.


  2. CMathews Says:

    My best friend and I actually came across a very similar animal in Parker, Tx about two years ago. We found it dead on the side of a rather busy road. As we called animal control people started to slow down and even park to get out and take pictures of it. City workers came and took it away, never heard anything about it. Gray skin, very little to no hair, and the best way I can describe it’s hind legs were akin to a kangaroo. I’m not saying its a chupacabra, but it was definitely very messed up looking.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 to Rabbit, Looks like a Coyote with sever mange.

    Crypto-Zoologists are really a goofy lot and make just regular Zoologists like myself chuckle.

  4. Blake Says:

    No. It’s not a Chupacabra. Chupacabras have large, green eyes, fangs, spiked hair on their backs, and stand partially upright with their talon like claws on their front arms.

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