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OC in Idaho

An Idaho man was open carrying at the fair. He was told to leave by the local police, in violation of the law. Says Chad:

After all, I could be right… but I could be tazed and right.

9 Responses to “OC in Idaho”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    SUE!! SUE SUESUE SUE SUE!! IF it was legal and you made to leave at the whim of an over zelous Police Officer who by his own accord inflicted himself upon you with no regard for the letter of the law then you are crazy if you dont sue. If you were in a place where open carry is legal and that SOB made you leave and you dont sue, then they win and a precedence is set even though it is not a legal one, it sets a standard for other officers to follow.

  2. Hartley Says:

    It looks to me like this fellow is doing it right – and leaving a very careful trail – they’re either going to publicly admit they screwed up or he will have them over a barrel.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 happened to a guy in Portland Maine about 20 years ago. In this case the gun was confiscated. Never actually found documentation, but I heard he made out REALLY well in the lawsuit.

  4. wizardpc Says:

    The stuff from Lt Souza reads to me like, “Dude, you’re right. I get it. If you hold your horses we’ll get this reversed ASAP. Quit trippin.”

  5. Chad Says:

    Thanks for the link.

    Yea, I could be tazed, on the ground and crapping my pants right, just like Steve.! haha

    Well, I don’t have the time, resources or experience to persue a lawsuit.

  6. ATLien Says:

    well, chad, way to be made of fail. your two choices are sue, or become a slave. guess which one you picked?

  7. Kristopher Says:

    Chad … find an attorney.

    The cops screwed up. They need to be sued. You shouldn’t have to pay a dime for this, a good attorney would consider a case like this to be like finding $100 bills blowing across the parking lot.

  8. Dave thA Says:

    I think Chad has the right approach.

    Follow through politely. Record it all.
    Set a precedent. Work with the law and educate them.
    Use the carrot – keep the stick handy.

    BTW, the Demolition Derby at the show was a sight to behold.

  9. Chad Says:

    Thanks guys,

    As a guy who lives hand to mouth, I don’t have the resources to sue. If you know of an attorney, feel free to send him on over. I don’t mind going after them. I do mind neglecting work and family responsibilities.

    So any help is appreciated.

    ATLien – take five.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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