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Apparently, Obama is going to get on the prime time TeeVee and tell us all about how he saved the economy:

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told The New York Times Obama intends to use the news conference as a “six-month report card,” to talk about “how we rescued the economy from the worst recession”

Followed by why we need to pass energy, environment, and health care bills.

Meanwhile, those of us here in the real world who notice that our payroll is running about 50% what it was last year and margins and volume are down will have questions. And be told that You’re going to destroy my presidency.

Update: Michael in comments: Mission Accomplished!

7 Responses to “Balls”

  1. Michael Says:

    Mission accomplished!

  2. SayUncle Says:


  3. Dave thA Says:

    So anything that happens from now is not inherited?


  4. Tam Says:

    Mission accomplished!

    ZING! šŸ˜€

  5. Phelps Says:

    Meanwhile, those of us here in the real world who notice that our payroll is running about 50% what it was last year and margins and volume are down will have questions.

    That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

  6. mike w. Says:

    Mission Accomplished!

    Probably a bit premature, Obama’s got a lot more damage to do.

  7. liberal gun lover Says:

    Things been just fine for me all along

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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