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Restaurant Carry

John Lott: Only nine states still ban carrying a concealed handgun in restaurants that serve alcohol

I checked out the map he cited and it’s not right. Both GA and SC permit carry in restaurants that serve. Perhaps the issue is that it’s an open carry site?

10 Responses to “Restaurant Carry”

  1. karrde Says:

    ‘Course, there’s some legal wiggle-room in the case of Michigan (colored green on the map that Lott linked to).

    MI law states that concealed carry is not allowed in a place that earns a majority of their income from the sale of alcohol (by the glass, to be consumed on premises). Theoretically, that means that most restaurants are Concealed-friendly, as long as they don’t make a majority of their money from alcohol.

    Practically, that still leaves a few gray areas…and there is no court case present to clarity interpretation.

  2. Wesley Says:

    The confusion about Georgia is understandable since it’s only been 1 year since we were ‘allowed’ to carry legally in Restaurants. My guess is that the graphic at hasn’t been updated since GA law changed.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    wesley, they updated TN pretty fast.

  4. Hartley Says:

    Hey, we’re working on it in AZ – mebbe by next year. The REST of AZ is pretty good, tho, just the restaurant deal sux at the moment.

  5. Chiller2 Says:

    As far as I know it is not allowed in SC although is working to change the the only reference I found in my quick search through SC laws is this
    SECTION 16-23-465. Additional penalty for unlawfully carrying pistol or firearm onto premises of business selling alcoholic liquors, beers or wines for on premises consumption.

    In addition to the penalties provided for by Sections 16 11 330 and 16 23 460 and by Article 1 of Chapter 23 of Title 16, a person convicted of carrying a pistol or firearm into a business which sells alcoholic liquor, beer, or wine for consumption on the premises is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than two thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
    In addition to the penalties described above, a person who violates this section while carrying a concealable weapon pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 31, Title 23, must have his concealed weapon permit revoked.
    I have contacted someone in Grassroots.SC with more knowledge than I have for clarification and will let you know when I get a reply.

  6. Kim du Toit Says:

    Gah. We also have the “50%+” rule here in Texas, but fortunately, the onus is on the 50%+ places to post the famous “thirty-ought-six” sign to warn CH licensees off. (Failure to post the 30.06 notice, in any establishment, results in a “defense to prosecution” for the CHL owner.)

    One day we’ll grow up and join the rest of the country when it comes to booze…

  7. Chiller2 Says:

    According to my contact with Grassroots.SC the Attorney General of SC says it is illegal and so far no one has been willing to be the test case

  8. Chris L. Says:

    No firearms of any kind,concealed or open, are allowed in any estableshment that sells alcohol in the state of New Mexico.

  9. Linoge Says:

    I am fairly certain that is either run by or closely affiliated with Mr. Volk, so it comes as no surprise to me that TN was updated quickly.

    That said, I am sure you emailed the folks at OC and let them know of their omission, right, Unc?

  10. Adam Says:

    I’m going to affirm what Chiller2 said that in SC you cannot carry in an establishment that sells alcohol for on site consumption. It really sucks because I can’t even carry at Moe’s; that bastion of drunken brawls and high noon shootouts. This is something I would like to see changed because it is the single biggest pain in the ass issue when carrying in SC. We did however win an incremental victory in SC this year as I can now have my gun stowed in the glove box when I pick up the boy from preschool.

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