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A look at the Virginia primary:

Here in the cold light of dawn (or mid afternoon) following the Democratic triumph of Creigh Deeds, I’ve been reading what some outlanders think of our little scrum. AP moved an analysis of the race, as has the New York Times and The Atlantic.

What’s striking about all three is just how wrong they are.

One Response to “Moderation?”

  1. Stretch Says:

    While NoVA vs. RoVA is a long standing issue there is one of even longer standing issue – The Carpetbagger Syndrome. Yes, it’s the 21st Century but we Virginians are like that. McAuliffe came to town with the Clintons. That doesn’t impress people outside the Beltway (Washington’s or Richmond’s). The Moran brothers bill themselves as “long time residents” of Virginia. They also sound like they just got off the bus from Southie. The JFK sound they’ve cultured for years did not serve Moran the Lesser. It only impressed the residents of his hometown Alexandria and the academics at William & Mary College thus delivering James City County.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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