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Everybody panic

Earth and Venus to collide. In 3.5 billion years.

3 Responses to “Everybody panic”

  1. karrde Says:

    Well, I guess that ruins my plans for the future.

  2. Murdoc Says:

    Well, the Detroit Lions had better get to work if they want to win a Super Bowl before that. There won’t always be “next year,” I guess.

  3. Christopher Burg Says:

    The real million dollar question here is how can global warming be used to exploit this.

    “As the average temperature of the planet rises the Earth’s atmosphere will become less dense. As this less dense warm air rises it will bleed off into space making the planet lighter and causing it’s orbit to decay until it inevitably hits either Mars or Venus.”

    I probably shouldn’t be given them any ideas.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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