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Poll Cat

The paper in The City (My The City) has a poll:

Will you feel safer in bars and restaurants now that the guns bill has passed?

Well, I’ll really feel the same. HT to linoge.

5 Responses to “Poll Cat”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Yeah, the correct answer is “no”, but not for the reasons they think.

  2. Mikee Says:

    An interesting poll in that it asks about feelings, rather than facts.

    Their last one asked ambiguously if you would look for posted restaurants, making either answer a tossup on whether you were pro or anti on the new bill. Oddly enough,since it was an ambiguous question, it came out 40/60 yes/no.

    The one before that had an overwhelming response that guns in restaurants was approved, something like 85% OK with it.

    So they keep trying to find a way to get an answer that says Tennesseans disapprove of this new bill. I wish them the worst of luck with that.

    If they don’t like the answers, asking different questions is one way to go, I guess.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I dunno, I’d feel a lot safer with my gun under my coat than locked in my car.

    Also If I was a criminal thinking about doing something bad in-on-or-around a restaurant, I’d feel LESS safe, so that does make the good people more safe.

  4. mike hollihan Says:

    Interesting. The Memphis Commercial Appeal, the Knox sister paper, phrases their poll this way: “With the guns-in-restaurants bill about to become law, will you look for restaurants that don’t allow guns?

    At 7:30PM Friday, it was 2 to 1, NO. 🙂

  5. Pinandpuller Says:

    First they came for the transfats…

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