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Every time my fingers touch brain, I’m Superfly T.N.T.

Conversation from the Uncle Household.

Me: You know how I always dreamed that Politically Incorrect Dog could talk and he had a deep voice with a British accent?

The Mrs: Yeah.

Me: Well, in my dreams, Flash sounds like Samuel Jackson.

The Mrs: Why do the dogs always talk in your dreams?

Me: Guess they got shit to say. That’s what Flash would say.

4 Responses to “Every time my fingers touch brain, I’m Superfly T.N.T.”

  1. Rabbit Says:

    My fox terror (terrier) has a voice like Betty Boop. The Siberians all sound like surfer doodz.

    Funny thing, they only do that when I take too much Nyquil before turning in for the night.


  2. Daniel C. Says:

    OK, I am not a dog person and never will be after being bit by one as a kid.

    That said, if I had one I sure as hell would want it to talk like SLJ. I can picture him wanting food and saying to me “English, do you speak it?!”

    Great post!

  3. Phelps Says:

    It’s funny that when Russ Martin was on the air here in Dallas, he imagined his dogs having British accents too. “Dah-dee, guess what I did in the living room!”

    The last cat I had had a Japanese voice, but the latest one is completely lolcat. I really wish I knew how this worked. (Just this morning he gave me a “i can haz barbeekoo?” look at lunch.)

  4. Matt Groom Says:

    Oh yeah? Well I had a dream about a two-headed dog that was having an argument with itself whilst I sat watching on a sidewalk. Top that!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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