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Restaurant carry bill passes

The bill passed the senate 24-7.

Update: ACK:

On to the governor to decide whether to sign or veto or let pass without his signature. A gubernatorial veto in Tennessee can be overidden (sic) by a simple majority. Tennessee business owner still have the right to prohibit firearms on their premises.

Update: Stop the bleating.

9 Responses to “Restaurant carry bill passes”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    I say we chip in for a super sized box of Depends for Mr. Woods.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    ask and ye shal receive:

  3. Hemlock Says:

    Pinch! Had to be sure I was awake just like after Heller. Now the wait for it to be finalized will seem like an eternity. How long can it sit with the governor while he decides? Anyone?

  4. Jake Says:

    Sen. Doug Jackson, D-Dickson, […] said “the test should not be the need of the citizen to be armed but rather the test should be the need of the government to restrict the right of the citizen to go armed.”

    By George, I think he’s got it!

    We need more elected officials like him.

  5. JJR Says:

    Congratulations, TN! Good news indeed.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    @Jake: Jackson opposed carry in 96, but has since seen the light. He commented in conference committee that all the bad things he swore would happen didn’t, which iswhy he’s changed his stance and ignores “law enforcement” on this topic now.

  7. Adam Says:

    About damn time.

  8. John Kindrick Says:

    “Tennessee business owner still have the right to prohibit firearms on their premises.”

    Remember those signs in stores in the 1950’s that said, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.”? They meant blacks, of course.

    Well, if business owners can refuse one civil right, say the right to bear arms, why cant they refuse to serve whomever they please? Just wondering…

  9. Linoge Says:

    Shiny. It will be interesting to see what the governor does, though his actions ultimately amount to naught – the Legislature has more than the simple majority necessary to override his veto, but I am curious what stance, if any, he will take.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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