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Chicks and guns

Meghan McCain on popping some caps:

In the days after my dad lost the election, my brothers and I went to shoot rounds at the local shooting range. Partly because—as anyone who knows how to use a rifle and can do so safely understands—doing so is hugely stress-relieving, and partly because, we half-joked, it might mark the beginning of the end of our Second Amendment rights under the Obama administration. Now I admit we probably thought as much because our emotions were running so high following the election, but the fact remains: The right to bear arms, and specifically the idea of it being taken away from me, is one of my biggest concerns.

A couple things. One, the candidates were asked at one of the debates if they owned guns. Your dad did not answer in the affirmative. Two, looks like she’s getting put upon in comments.

27 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Not the place I want to pitch a battle. Meghan McCain is trying to ‘remake the GOP in her image’ and I have no desire to help her in any way.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    The two pages worth of PSH in comments is practically ridiculous, I hardly know where to begin.

  3. Cemetery's Gun Blob Says:

    Dimwittery abounds in the comments.

    I’m with DirtCrashr, I just don’t know where to begin!

  4. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    Meg really loves the Second Amendment, but not enuff to vote for her own father.

  5. Mikee Says:

    From reading the comments, very few logical, rational, fact based persons are registered to comment there. Every anti-rights anti-gun canard is trotted out and treated as absolute truth, from all those Mexican drug gang guns coming from the US, to whites are racists training to kill African Americans.

    No responses are made to the one or two attempts to correct the factual errors. Nobody positively mentions an existing right to self defense, and many denigrate the very idea.

    I hope their surprise is not too great when they finally realize how wrong they are about, well, everything they have written.

  6. Captain Holly Says:

    The article and comments did confirm one suspicion I had about Ms McCain: For someone who is supposedly a Republican trying to reform the party, she sure has alot of liberal readers.

  7. Rabbit Says:

    Pardon the pun, but I don’t approve of ‘fluffy bunny Republicanism’. That’s what got us in this cast-off lifeboat in the first place.

    I strongly suspect, from reading through the comments even as far as I did , that most folks registered there run back home to DU and DK to titter about what they wrote on ‘that blog’.


  8. Madrocketscientist Says:

    That “Fluffy Bunny Republicanism” is the transitional phase. It’s the one hope the GOP has left, because it tends to draw in the moderates who are right of center, but can’t stomach the GOP of Bush and Cheney.

    She’s cultivating the youth who are still replacing emotion with reason.

  9. Ed Rasimus Says:

    I’ll get even with you for sending me to read the comments. Such a collection of mindless twaddle about guns control tends to upset my serenity.

    The American people have apparently been well indoctrinated by the anti-gun Brady Bunch. The eccentricities they spout flow smoothly from the trolls: assault weapon, black helicopter, Bambi slaughter, “only purpose is…”.

    What they never really understand is the entire purpose of the 2nd Amendment–maintaining the right of the people to counter an oppressive government. It isn’t about hunting, target shooting, self-defense, collecting or even stress reduction for Meghan.

  10. John Kindrick Says:

    Who says, “I went to shoot rounds”?
    I never heard anybody say it like that.
    “Well, Im going to the range to shoot rounds.”
    No, thats not natural. Is she lying?
    Is she just a little valley girl fake?

  11. Dan Says:

    I wonder honestly how many idiot republicans actually takes anything she says seriously?

    I thought gay marriage and avoiding mentioning Sarah Palin were her big concerns?

  12. Tom Says:

    She’s writing a book about “what it means to be a PROGRESSIVE republican.”

    If her, her pops, or the party could just admit they are what democrats were around Kennedy’s time we might make some real progress.

    I didn’t leave the party…and I sure as hell didn’t vote for her dad or the “other” party’s puppet.

  13. ATL Says:

    Meghan McCain? Who cares…….

  14. workinwifdakids Says:

    Who says, “I went to shoot rounds”?

    The phrase “went to shoot rounds” returns a meager 6 results on Google at the time of this post, 5 of which quote Miss McCain, and the 6th reads, “I went to shoot rounds 4-500 out of my…” which has a completely different meaning altogether.

    “Go to shoot rounds” on Google returns one very badly written piece of fan fiction, wherein the characters may speak English as a second language. “Go shoot rounds” returns 2 hits, only one of which is similar in meaning to Miss McCain’s statement, and that is a post on the Military Times forums.

    I see a lot of hits for “shoot rounds” that say things like, “I shoot rounds like the SXT for self-defense,” or “I went to shoot rounds that were easy on the shoulder,” but those don’t carry the same meaning.

    I’m willing to be persuaded, but this does not pass the smell test.

  15. Lyle Says:

    It’s an orgy of ignorance and clichés. I have no interest in playing pre-school over there. I like ATL’s comment; “Who cares?”

    And yes; if JFK were running today, he’d have to run as a Republican. The Dems wouldn’t have him and the Reps would embrace him (but they’d have to rein him in a bit as they’d think he was too conservative).

  16. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    If Ms. McCain is the new Republican party, I’m done. She’s an idiot, and clearly knows no history of the US or the US Constitution: Neither does she know much about the Second Amendment.

    The (current) Second Amendment is #2 due to a complete accident of history: It was the second, of 12 submitted amendments, to be ratified by enough states (there were two amendments that were NOT ratified of the 12 that Madison submitted). Nor does the Second amendment have anything to do with being someone who “knows how to use a rifle”, safely or not.

    Time for that brat to STFU.

  17. FatWhiteMan Says:

    Good grief. It is apparent that I have spent way too much time on gun blogs. I read so many with the whole “NRA is too compromising” argument that I didn’t realize there is another side. The comments on Megan’s post are unbelievable. There are tons of people that think the NRA is too steadfast and unyielding!

    The number of people there that call themselves conservatives and still call for an assault weapons ban. Unreal. I’m kinda scared now. Is that what it is really like outside of my hillbilly world?

  18. Jay21 Says:

    F her and the old man that spawned her. Just my $.02

  19. Tom Says:

    So…uh, let me get the asbestos on first here….

    Has anyone TOLD her any of this, or does she subscribe to reasoned discourse? She went off after being called fat, so I can’t imagine what she’d do here.

  20. you guys are being stupid Says:

    You guys are being stupid.

    Here is a hot chick who likes to shoot guns. She also likes Republicans.

    And you guys are critisizing her because she doesn’t have EVERY SINGLE BELIEF YOU HAVE?

    Do you really think that driving more people out of the party and away from our gun culture will win elections? What the hell is wrong with you?

    Be happy a young lady is shooting and telling young liberals about it. This is a win for us, if you guys would stop acting like children.

  21. you guys are being stupid Says:

    I want to post this again, so you are sure to read it.

    Be happy a young lady is shooting and telling young liberals about it. This is a win for us, if you guys would stop acting like children.

    Got it?

  22. Jay21 Says:

    you guys are being stupid, no she doesn’t hold many beliefs i have. She shoots a gun, bug deal so did John Kerry and Janet Nappy. Megan McCain, and her “platform” are a joke. If she is the bastion of conservitism we are screwed and bound to a future of Democrat/RHINO rule. As i said before “F her and the old man that spawned her.” The family is a joke when it comes to liberty.


  23. blounttruth Says:

    The relevance of this story is the fact that it will affect the GOP and the 2nd amendment. Better look to those crazy constitutional conservative Republicans to replace the coup d’eata that is the neo-conservative movement in Washington today. I wonder if Sean Hannity will volunteer for a little of this action for a charitable cause? One can only hope….

  24. comatus Says:

    So Megan McCain is going to ‘splain what it means to be a progressive Republican. The world must be panting after that, since Theodore Roosevelt was so inarticulate.

    FatWhite, you’ve found the other kind of conservative. I remember them from the 60’s, when people took out subscriptions to magazines to find out how they could be more conformist. They never mentioned “freedom” without the rest of the phrase, “fighting for,” which had something to do with supporting the draft. I don’t remember a one of them actually using any freedom. Most of them belonged to the same churches that were Staatskirche for their ancestors. They’d hunt once a year, and mention the 2A. They all wanted a more conservative government to pass more conservative laws and outlaw more things. They managed to run off a whole generation, into the waiting arms of the collegiate Left, just by damnfool bull-headedness. The only hope classical conservatism has is that their overcompensating kids will be just as damnfool about their leftist trappings, and drive their children to a more American point of view. Hasn’t worked for Megan.

  25. Wolfwood Says:

    1. On the whole “rounds” thing, I think she’s just trying to be slangy. It doesn’t work all that well, but very few of us are Alexander Pope 24/7 ourselves.

    2. Credit where credit is due: I have no idea why Miss McCain has an audience (although I can say the same about our President), but attacking her on this is a stupid thing to do.

  26. JokersWild Says:

    If Meghan McCain is the future of the Republican party you can rest assured that there’s a guaranteed 2nd term for the chump in the White House now.

    While I’m not fan of the Huckster he hit the nail on the head:

    “If some of these leaders had been listening already, they wouldn’t need to form a group to start listening now,” wrote Huckabee. “Some of the ones who have decided to start listening sure weren’t listening last fall when they were supporting the TARP bailout bill that pretty much discredited any semblance of conservative conviction.”

    via CNN

    Maybe someone who’s got the reigns of the Republican party will wake up, fire Michael Steele, and get the party back to it’s principles (those which it hasn’t live by for a very long, long time). But I honestly doubt that’s going to happen in my lifetime (which is why I left the party years ago). So with that being said, “smoke ’em while you got ’em” because there ain’t going to be a sunset clause in the next AWB and once it’s passed it’ll never, ever get repealed.

  27. doubleplusundead Says:

    I seem to remember McCain did an interview with, I’m wanting to say Field & Stream during the campaign, in which he said he hasn’t used a firearm since his injuries in Vietnam because the injuries limit what he can do with his arms. Granted, he ought to at least own one for the symbolism, but he can’t physically use one properly, so I dunno that I’d be too critical on him for that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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