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2 shot dead at gun control rally


AN ALLEGED double killer, his accomplice and one of his victims were all carrying firearms at an anti-gun event in London, the Old Bailey heard today.

Shakah Anderson is accused of shooting dead Mohamed Korneh and Selorn Gbesenete, both 21, at the Tudor Rose night club in Southall at Unarmed 2, dedicated to stopping gun crime among young black people, the jury was told.

18 Responses to “2 shot dead at gun control rally”

  1. Cemetery's Gun Blob Says:

    Seems like anti gunners are the real gun nuts.

  2. mike w. Says:

    Impossible! Murder and carrying guns is alreadly illegal in the UK….

  3. TNProgrammer Says:

    yep…7 years ago.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    If they still had legal hunting in the Place That Used to be Great Britain, he might have been charged with hunting over a baited field.


  5. JJR Says:

    The shootings were in 2002 and they’re only now getting to the trial phase? I could see it taking well into 2003 to get to trial, but 2009? Sheesh. Maybe it’s on appeal? Any Britons or Brit expats here care to clarify?

  6. John H. Says:

    How long will this continue?

    When will the legislature of this great nation say, “Enough is enough,” and enact some common-sense gun laws to ensure the safety of our citizens?

    How many more deaths will it take?

  7. wizardpc Says:

    Am I the only one who thought it strange he used a Luger?

  8. James R. Rummel Says:

    “The shootings were in 2002 and they’re only now getting to the trial phase?”

    The article states that the killer was turned in by a snitch from prison. The perp was probably bragging, and the snitch is looking to get some extra jailhouse bennies for himself by turning stooly.

    “Am I the only one who thought it strange he used a Luger?”

    Read the British media even for a few months and it will become apparent that they don’t know jack about firearms, and have little interest in the facts to boot.

    It might have been a Luger. Might also have been a Ruger. Could have even been a Walther since Brit reporters figure all German guns are the same.


  9. Les Jones Says:

    It’s odd how the linked story is written to appear that it just happened. It isn’t until the third paragraph you discover the events happened in 2002.


    Men shot dead at anti-gun event [title]

    AN ALLEGED double killer, his accomplice and one of his victims were all carrying firearms at an anti-gun event in London, the Old Bailey heard today.

    Shakah Anderson is accused of shooting dead Mohamed Korneh and Selorn Gbesenete, both 21, at the Tudor Rose night club in Southall at Unarmed 2, dedicated to stopping gun crime among young black people, the jury was told.

    The killings in December 2002 were part of a series of shootings in the area. Korneh, known as Shorty, had allegedly been responsible for one shooting. When police arrived they found a Luger handgun in his waistband.

  10. DrStrangegun Says:


  11. Michael Hawkins Says:

    “The shootings were in 2002 and they’re only now getting to the trial phase? I could see it taking well into 2003 to get to trial, but 2009? Sheesh. Maybe it’s on appeal? Any Britons or Brit expats here care to clarify?”

    Belgium here:
    W-European courts don’t have nearly enough “court hours” available to address even the most pressing matters. Lawyers are given basically “forever” to prepare their case (and gather billable hours) as the court tries to squeeze another case into its schedule. Years upon years of acting like this has left the courts bogged down with too many people unrighteously in “pre-arrest” arrested without conviction and awaiting trial. Perfect grounds for a “loss of revenue” suit.

    So when there is no immediate danger (as is decided by the prosecution), the trial of even a violent offender can be put -as y’all yanks so quaintly call it”- on the backburner in favor of more pressing -appeared in the press- matters.

    While policies like these do allow some criminals to evade justice for some time or even entirely, it has forced Belgian courts to evaluate their priorities in the past which has resulted in more attention for international gangs and less attention for non violent soft-drug offenders, upon whom the police have all but given up arresting.

    Supposedly, matters are even worse in the UK; because not three years ago they decided to start pressing charges for the tiniest offence (such as over-filling ones dustbin) in order to get more fines paid out.

  12. ATL Says:

    Hey wait a minute! Muslims killing other Muslims? Say it ain’t so! (I assume that the names Shakah and Mohamed would infer they were not from Finland). Well Britain, you reap what you sow………..

  13. JT Says:

    England is lost, and not to guns.

  14. Muggins Says:

    When you make something contraband, it becomes part of the underground market. As an illegal drug dealer is pushing his crack, or whatever, he’ll also push his illegal firearms to that same customer. While the gun ban ensures that lawful citizens cannot obtain guns, it increases the likelihood that unsavory folks will be armed.

  15. Chuckles48 Says:

    How long will this continue?

    When will the legislature of this great nation say, “Enough is enough,” and enact some common-sense gun laws to ensure the safety of our citizens?

    They won’t. Y’all need to do something about this yourselves. If that means turning out your “representatives”, do so.

    I find it interesting that the people of the UK have never been entrusted by their government with the means to directly determine their own destiny. A binding referendum might have some interesting effects.

  16. T. Shaw Says:

    Outlaw guns! Then, only outlaws and the secret police have guns!

  17. Jim Says:

    Great, 2 less antigunners and muslim too.

  18. Craig B. Says:

    See what California and a lying California attorney, Steven T. Schoonover, and flip flopper James K. Olson did here to a Nevada citizen’s right to have a gun to protect herself after James K. Olson had broken into this Nevada citizen’s home! Gun Controllers Among Us, Marin County California Courts

    Most liberal Marin County Ca has repeatedly thumbed their nose at the US Constitution, then imposed their illegal actions onto a Nevada citizen. What’s next?

    Lying California attorney, Steven T. Schoonover had the Nevada citizen served at 7:30 Thursday evening in Nevada for a 9 am the following Monday court in California and the California incompetent judge allowed that 1 day notice although illegal as have to be served more than 10 days before a hearing and furthermore it was to a Nevada citizen!

    Three strikes you’re out lying California attorney, Steven T. Schoonover

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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