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In NY, a county gives $2M to Remington to stay there. Well, maybe if you got the state legislature to stop trying to put them out of business, you could save some money. Remington’s economic impact on the community is valued at $105M.

2 Responses to “Bribery”

  1. Andrew Says:

    Hypocrisy has no bounds.

  2. Rabbit Says:

    What’s hypocritical to me is why firearms manufacturers choose to remain in states openly hostile to their product. States such as Massachussets,for a prime example. Schizophrenic states such as New York and Illinois, where half the legislature is pro-freedom as opposed to legislators from gulag-like large metropolitan areas are only lesser so.

    What amazes me is that Montana, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, and the Dakotas are NOT where the Major manufacturers- hell, for that matter, most industrial production in the country- is located these days.


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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