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Shot heard around the world

An interesting idea:

At the designated time, say Saturday at 6:30 PM local time, we will fire one round, safely aimed into the ground or other suitable backstop – definitely NOT into the air or in an otherwise unsafe manner.

Then, continuing on the first Saturday of each month: Repeat the process.

As this gathers momentum, there will come a Saturday when one million or more gunshots will be heard around the world. And all it will require is a step into your own backyard to ‘vote for freedom’.

15 Responses to “Shot heard around the world”

  1. _Jon Says:

    good idea

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    Interesting idea, but I’m not sure I see how this will make people opposed to firearms realize how many of us there are.

    In order for me to fire a round outside legally, I would have to drive at least 20-30 minutes west or south. Either of those directions would subsequently put me quite far from people who are opposed from guns.

  3. T F Stern Says:

    I have a better idea, along the same lines; but one which would do a better good for society. Instead of shooting one round into the ground, lets all meet at designated locations; several around the chambers where the 9th Circus Court hands out anti-American edicts, plenty more around the chambers of congress and the senate, (both state and national) and instead of only one bullet which might not get the job done, make it a whole box. Then let the chaos begin.

    Dadgum; how come each time I write a comment or another blog about how to get rid of corruption in government that helicopter keeps coming back to circle over my house….

  4. Mikee Says:

    Reminds me of that Biblical fellow, Onan, who cast his seed upon the floor…. The utility of this action will be about the same.

    With ammo costs very high, and ammo availability very low, I’m not wasting a single shot into the ground. Instead I will use mine to practice for when I might need it.

    I think this proposal violates that other blog’s rule about “Don’t scare the white folks.”

  5. Ride Fast Says:

    […] One round shot equals one vote cast […]

  6. Tom Says:

    well, if you’re going to start breaking laws and shooting…aw fuck it. You prags are insane.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    illegal to shoot where you are? I went through 40 rounds of 22 in my backyard last night.

  8. Sebastian Says:

    I can’t legally shoot a gun where I am except at a range. Suburban area. In fact, doing so would probably get the cops called if the neighbors saw the gun.

  9. Robert Says:

    If I tried that, I’d be cuffed and stuffed pretty quick.

    This idea simply won’t work, because most towns have laws against discharging firearms inside town limits (except in self defense). This means that those who COULD participate likely live outside city limits in sparsely populated areas, where such an act would likely go unnoticed.


  10. Robert Says:

    *…quite frankly, preventing the discharge of firearms inside densely populated areas (except in self defense) is one of the few firearm laws I do agree with.

    *(Hit the submit button on the last comment on accident).

  11. JJR Says:

    That would be illegal in my city (unless I was acting in self-defense and in fear for my life at the time).

    I like the empty holster protest that SCCC does every year myself. I hope we get campus carry passed in Texas real soon…my state senator is supporting the bill–Yay!

  12. Kasper Says:

    OK, so everyone that can do so legally, fire two shots one for themselves and one for our friends that polite society would frown upon if they themselves did.

    T F Stern has the best idea…

  13. Lyle Says:

    I don’t think there’s anything to be gained from it. As has been said; why scare the white (or any other) people? How would you react if you started hearing gun fire on your block?

  14. USCitizen Says:

    Rather than bring controversy to the SayUncle comments section, I posted a response here.

  15. Brad Says:

    “The sound of one round, being joined by another, then another in your neighborhood will soon show the breadth of power the Citizenry still holds over the government.”

    “Please observe all safe handling rules for these events. “Blank” ammunition is recommended. If you don’t have a gun, fireworks will do.”

    “Let’s make some noise!”

    Hmm … I am attracted to this concept because the logistics seem more plausible than the alternative of a mass protest at Washington D.C.

    Yet as others have noted, there are many legal impediments to discharge of a firearm where most people live. Were I to participate, instead of a firearm I would buy and use one of these instead …

    As to wether such a protest (or the alternate mass assembly) would work in our favor is another question. It’s very high risk and could backfire on us politically. But then D.C. v Heller was high risk too.

    Maybe this is the time we should take greater risks.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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