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Democrats and Guns

In NV: Sen. Reid tossed a big wrench in the machine when he said last week he would oppose any renewal of the poorly named and poorly designed Assault Weapon Ban. This should not surprise Nevada gun owners who have followed Reid’s record supporting our Second Amendment rights. Reid consistently voted no on that gun ban, no in 1994, no in 2004, and now no again following Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement that renewing the ban was a promise of the Obama campaign.

11 Responses to “Democrats and Guns”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Congratualtions, Senator Reid, you have scored one correct answer out of the last 100 or so.

  2. Brutal Hugger Says:

    I missed that statement from Holder. I’m generally aware he said some stupid things, but I didn’t see him saying the ban was a campaign promise. Anybody happen to have a link to that statement? I didn’t see it in a quick google.

    That aside, when Pelosi said she was against a renewed AWB, I took that to be a temporary position, an invitation to be convinced. I have more faith in Reid on this point.

  3. Jay G. Says:

    He might be okay on guns, but Reid’s still an ass

  4. chris Says:

    I agree with all 3 posters.

    Hearing this from Reid a couple of weeks ago certainly lifted my spirits.

  5. Mikee Says:

    Regarding all these stories, the folks we need to hear from are not Reid and Pelosi. After all, they will suffer zero consequences from their base voters when, not if, they change their mind and decide the time for an AWB or other gun ban is ripe.

    We need to hear a strong denunciation of the AWB from the Republicans who voted for it the last time around.

  6. Terry Says:

    Living in Nevada as I do and hearing all the BS Mr. Reid spews, I find it almost sureal he would support anything…gun. I will call his office on a friends phone (they known my number and hang up) and offer him a nice red apple for a good deed.

  7. gun lover Says:

    Sen Reid should know that many americans believe in the 2nd amendment. just take a look at the results of this gun poll — take a look at the poll results and tell congress that this is poll definitely worth considering:

    The Gun Poll

  8. gun lover Says:

    Sen Reid should know that many americans believe in the 2nd amendment. just take a look at the results of this gun poll — take a look at the poll results and tell congress that this is poll definitely worth considering:

  9. gun lover Says:

    the site i was about to post was for some reason it did not link well

  10. Harold Says:

    Mikee: Yeah, but Reid needs more than his base to win his upcoming re-election in 2010. Right now it’s iffy, and he can look at the successful 1994 De-Foley-8 campaign for a stark object lesson in what not to do (Tom Foley was the first Speaker of the House to lose his seat since 1860).

    While I worry about things being slipped into one of these monstrous bills that no one reads before voting on, I think we can count on Reid until November of 2010.

    Pelosi only has to worry about losing her position—which she’s rather attached to, didn’t she demand a personal jet and get it?—and that may be enough for her. The Dems really didn’t like losing the Congress in 1994 and the Presidency in 2000….

  11. Xrlq Says:

    Good news but not great. Foley voted against the original AW ban in 1994, too. Fat a lot of good that did.

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