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The plural of anecdote is not data

Paul Helmke thinks it would help his case by listing some handgun carry permit holders who have committed crimes. After using the list as an indictment of all gun owners, he goes on to say: To be clear, this shouldn’t be seen as an indictment of all gun owners. We know that he has to use anecdotes because the facts are that CCW holders are more law-abiding than most, including police officers. But when they do, the press is there to tell you all about.

And our list of anecdotal data is bigger.

3 Responses to “The plural of anecdote is not data”

  1. ka Says:

    Maybe Brady should check out this link for good anecdotal evidence:

  2. Yosemite Sam Says:

    I’ve scratched my head for some time in puzzlement over why the gun-banners are so against permitted concealed carry.

    It seems to be the answer to their dreams. Gun owners are voluntarily registering with the state and thus the state knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that these people are gun owners.

    Isn’t that what the Brady Bunch wants?

  3. Clayton E. Cramer Says:

    Back in the 1970s, what was then Handgun Control Inc. supported concealed carry permits, and requiring you to have one to carry a gun. But that’s because they knew that permits under the discretionary system would not be issued to black people. Pete Shields, second director of HCI, got involved because the Zebra killers murdered in son in San Francisco. (This was a series of racially motivated murders of whites.)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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