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Quote of the Day

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership’s Doug Pennington:

Our whole mission at Brady is to attack the illegal gun market that supplies the criminals who kill police in Philly and elsewhere — yes, with guns.

And they do that by opposing concealed carry; wanting to ban guns; and a whole host of other measures that have nothing to do with the illegal gun market. I guess the problem is we just haven’t made the illegal market big enough for Brady’s liking.

4 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Well, when all guns are illegal, it will be far easier to arrest most citizens who now own guns and convict them for their illegal gun ownership. QED.

    Also, after all the guns are illegal it will likely be safer for the police to body slam granny (as in the famous New Orleans video) to confiscate her illegal gun, than those nasty gang members and other current criminals the police have to deal with now. You do want to make the police safer, don’t you?

  2. straightarrow Says:

    No, actually I don’t. I just wish they were scarcer.

  3. mike w. Says:

    Ah, the incredible logic of “attacking the illegal market” by passing LAWS. It’s as if they don’t understand the term “illegal.”

  4. Divemedic Says:

    I have the same goal, I am just differ in how it should be executed. How about making guns legal everywhere, and then there will only be a LEGAL gun market.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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