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Guns in the press

Story and accompanying picture in USAToday about assault weapons. Picture and caption originally looked like this.

6 Responses to “Guns in the press”

  1. Ride Fast Says:

    Is that yard-monkey being niggardly in sharing his AK-47 for a photo op? Maybe it’s not spic & span enough, thus a chink in his armor?

  2. Mikee Says:

    Hey, you left out the $300 price for AK knock-offs referenced later in the article! I haven’t seen one at that price in quite a while, so I guess the market for them has become saturated and prices have dropped, right?

  3. emdfl Says:

    Ride – That was sooooo bad…

  4. Adam Says:

    I like the comments @ Arfcom

    “Is that a TAPCO kit?! Where can I get one!” lol

  5. Divemedic Says:

    Funny thing is, the article mentions a police officer shot in Miami, who is the ONLY LEO killed by an AK in the last 5 years in the US. An equivalent number of LEOs were killed by hornets and by falling trees as were killed by AK fire.

    LEOs kill each other more often than they are killed by criminal wielded AKs. Read about it here:

  6. JJR Says:

    On one of the crime shows on cable officers were investigating a case in which “an AK-47” was used, and on camera they were going to test a recovered weapon seized during a routine traffic stop near the area of the original crime scene. The officer reaches into his trunk and pulls out…

    An SKS paratrooper model.


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