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Clayton Cramer in the Idaho Statesman:

Remember back in February 2008 when President Obama came to Boise and spoke at a big rally? He made a big point of saying, “I won’t take away your guns,” because those nasty, dishonest Republicans were saying that Obama was going to do that.

It sure didn’t take long for Obama to reveal his intentions. The afternoon of the inauguration, the White House Web site’s Urban Policy page admitted that he is indeed going to try and do exactly that. “Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.”

Kinda like how he’s not a big government guy but is?

4 Responses to “Promises”

  1. Ron W Says:

    “…when President Obama came to Boise and spoke at a big rally? He made a big point of saying, ‘I won’t take away your guns,’…”

    Maybe he meant that he personally wouldn’t take them away, but that the hired guns would do it for him. Or maybe he meant that he wouldn’t take them away, he would just make it so difficult to obtain them, or keep them or the ammo would no longer be “affordable”…you know like other “rights” such as healthcare, edcuation, housing etc., that you wouldn’t be able to keep them or acquire thema nd you would give them up.


  2. Eseell Says:

    Looks like someone went through and submitted all of Clayton Cramer’s follow up comments for moderation so that only the anti-rights posts are visible. That’s some reasoned discourse right there.

  3. HTownTejas Says:

    Yeah…. I bought my second AR-15 this morning. Now if I could just find some damn parts for it….

  4. Georg Felis Says:

    Children being defined as anybody below the age of a hundred, and criminals as anybody who refuses to give up their guns.

    Makes perfect Democratic sense. Not.

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