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Myths reversed

Never rob a house using a gun the homeowner will simply take it away from you and use it against you

6 Responses to “Myths reversed”

  1. Jim W Says:

    I laughed.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    If someone threatens you with a gun, try to grab it way from him and shoot him. I know it sounds risky, but doctors say you’re 43 times more likely to succeed than to fail.

  3. Ron W Says:


    Good advice.

    And if you’re CCW, take the first opportunity to shoot to kill the criminal….and that without warning.

  4. Lyle Says:

    You don’t shoot to kill. You shoot to stop. There is a difference.

  5. Jim W Says:

    I think you have it backwards my friend. It’s called lethal force, not fusilary estoppel.

  6. Lyle Says:

    Potentially lethal force. It’s the intent. Your intent is to stop as effectively as possible. Whether the perp dies or not isn’t your concern. Your concern is that the perp stops. It’s a minor distinction. We refer to “one shot stops” rather than “one shot kills” for a reason.

    You can kill a person with a single shot from a .22 rimfire pistol, but it may take that person 12 hours to die after running and hiding all night. The death is not the point. You might, on the other hand, stop a person quickly with a .45, and yet that person might actually survive with medical attention. That’s the doctors’ problem at that point, not yours. Ya see?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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