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Kinda stabby lately

In Belgium, a mass stabbing. This one at a daycare. And one reported earlier at VT.

5 Responses to “Kinda stabby lately”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Assault knives need to be banned!!! Reportedly, the decapitation at Va Tech was done when the murderer grabbed an unsecured “assault” knife from the kitchen drawer. Well, maybe the ban is an over-reaction. We just need a Federal law mandating that knives be secured to “keep them out of the wrong hands”. Bring the gov’t into our kitchens…to keep us safe.

  2. Jay G. Says:

    Unc, you’re missing the obvious here.

    Obviously, gun control is working…

  3. Ron W Says:

    Jay G.

    Good point. Once again, gun control worked to keep victims disarmed for the murderers. Heck, they don’t even have to bring a gun…any ol’ kitchen knife will do….and most victims can provide them.

  4. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Yeah the news went pretty heavely into this one here, obviously … rightfully

    (I currently live in Antwerp, Belgium for those who do not know)

    The initial news reports have turned out to be largely inaccurate, the offender is said to be between 20 and 25 years of age, identity not confirmed as off 19:20 local time (police officers gace a press conference)

    For the more cynical ones amongst you: yes, gun control did work, whereas “Hans van Temse” was able to walk into a gunshop and walk out with a hunting rifle, this character used a set of knives (possible reminiscent of the crow or the joker, he painted his face white and black)

    Ten out of twelve children survived the knife attack, hydraulic shock would have likely killed many more children.

    Don’t forget: I’m on your side, but trying to mock the controllers may backfire.

  5. Lyle Says:

    I’ll mock the controllers, thank you. Criminals can get black-market guns. Under a ban, the law-abiding, by definition, cannot.

    How many kids might not have been stabbed if there’d been a CCW present?

    How many criminals-in-waiting might be disuaded when an attacker is shot on the spot?

    Where is there more violent crime per capita; In WA DC under an effective ban, for example, or in Idaho, where most of us are armed?

    What is a human right, if not the right to effective self-protection? In the U.S. at least, do we not have a Bill of Rights? Does a right become a non-right if it is being violated by your governmment?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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