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Plan B

Threepers advocate calling your senators and asking them to oppose the Holder nomination. I concur. How very pragmatic.

2 Responses to “Plan B”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    If a raving lunatic like John Ashcroft could get nominated with an evenly split Senate…somehow I doubt Holder will be denied. But hey, best ‘o luck trying.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    Sean, your chronology is off. Ashcroft didn’t become a raving lunatic in the minds of raving lunatics like you until after 9/11, and then only until he showed signs of lifting a finger to prevent it from happening again. At the time of his confirmation, he was just another conservative. That and an ex-Senator himself. It helps to have been a member of the very club you want to confirm you.

    Last and least, a 51-49 split is not “even.” Americans may have elected an evenly split Senate in ’00, but “Republican” Jim Jeffords made damned sure we didn’t actually get one. And then there’s Lincoln Chafee, who was among the 49 still calling themselves “Republicans” at the time. Etc.

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