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Good deed gets punished

A man notices that he wasn’t charged sales tax. He does the right thing and remits his tax ($1.50) to the Department of Revenue. The DOR then said he was a business and had to pay a 650 dollar fine—or face collections —AND criminal charges. It took an inquiry from the local news media to get it straightened out.

Incompetent big government, money grubbing pricks: making the world more libertarian one government form filled out in triplicate, shuffled, and stuffed in a bin no one ever reviews at a time.

One Response to “Good deed gets punished”

  1. Larry Patty Says:

    You have to remember that they were following the laws that the state legislature enacted. You need to place the blame where it really belongs, with the politicians who enact the laws, not the bureaucrats who have to enforce them.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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