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From the mouth of babes

Junior keeps telling me my new name is Poopy Stinky Butt.

She’s also saying fart a lot. Not real bad but there are better words for it.

And we decided to let the kids watch A Christmas Story. Trouble is, a lot of it is inappropriate for a four or a two year old. Kids cussing, violence, and the F-bomb.

7 Responses to “From the mouth of babes”

  1. Paul B Says:

    Kids must be around 5 years old. My son occasionally comes up with stuff like that and he is 7. Apparently, at least according to the wife, that is normal for that age group.

    Classic movie though. Gotta love the red ryder BB gun.

  2. Jay G. Says:

    You’ll shoot your eye out!

  3. Says:

    I presume you ” gunsafe ” your child , just why dont you ” worldsafe ” her as well ? No i am not trolling , i am simply asking . Any mind that can coprehend ” dont toutch ” can grasp ” dont say ” .

  4. Michael Silence Says:

    At nearly 5, we’ve been going thru that, too. I blame the boys at pre-school.

    BTW, is it bad that I laugh and call her poopy head?

  5. John Paulding Says:

    See, I never understood why my parents let me watch it when I was a little kid because it shows that Santa isn’t real.

  6. Les Jones Says:

    When Katie was two we taught her to call my brother poo poo head. 🙂

  7. Stickwick Stapers Says:

    Wow, kids nowadays. I never called my parents names unless I wanted to feel the business end of a wooden spoon. And we had to refer to a certain bodily function as “toot.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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