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Speaking of hunters

In an article making a big deal about a pink handled rifle being turned in at some gun buy back, comes this:

Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan dismissed the notion hunting rifles and shotguns are not the type of weapons authorities need to be worried about, noting they can cause harm if poorly safeguarded or stolen by burglars.

“Taking these off the streets is as important as the taking the handguns off the streets,” he said.

See, they’re not just after my handguns and evil black rifles.

2 Responses to “Speaking of hunters”

  1. ka Says:

    “See, they’re not just after my handguns and evil black rifles.”

    They’re after Joe Biden’s shotguns too. He’d probably give them up. Wussy.

  2. GrumpyUnk Says:

    “Sniper weapons with Cop Killer Boollits”. Coming to a propaganda organ near you soon!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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