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Speaking of The Elf on the Shelf

For those not in the know about The Elf on the Shelf mentioned here, the elf is magic. He flies back to the North Pole every night and returns to a new location. When your kids wake up, they try to find his new location. It’s quite amazing that I can be in the car with two kids and point out a big red fire truck with it’s lights/sirens on right next to our car and they won’t see it and will keep asking where, where? But a little toy elf is found within seconds of waking up.

The power of observation.

3 Responses to “Speaking of The Elf on the Shelf”

  1. Molon Labe Says:

    I have the adult version. It’s called “Where is my god damned wallet!?”

    Every night, my wallet flies to the north pole and when I wake up, it is in a different location. However, unlike the Elf on the Shelf, location of the wallet usually requires a few f-bombs and accusations directed towards the wife and cats.

  2. Donna Locke Says:

    My grandchildren have that elf. They really believe it is an elf. Last year the elf was supposed to be on top of a curtain one morning, but he fell off the rod. My 4-year-old granddaughter walked into the living room, saw the elf face down on the floor, and averted her eyes as if to tell herself she hadn’t seen that mishap. The magic of believing. And don’t we adults do the same thing in some ways?

  3. LOHAN Says:

    You speak the truth. My daughter is almost 5 and it amazes how fast she can find that little thing. Luckily, her elf is pretty well behaved. However, her friend’s elf gets into all kinds of mischief such as stealing all her panties and using them to decorate the Christmas tree.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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