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Rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated

The current trend from the anti-gunner and the press (but I repeat myself) is that the gun lobby is a paper tiger, guns don’t matter, and take that you bitter clingy gun nuts. This is all based on Obama’s election. Based on this one election, they cry that we don’t matter politically and politicians don’t need us. This is amusing for a few reasons.

One is that Obama obviously ran from his anti-gun past and spend his time trying to convince folks he was not opposed to gun ownership.

The second is that in the majority of political races, NRA endorsed candidates won. And my s00per seekrit sources are telling me there is evidence that membership in NRA is up since the election.

Also, the press likes to paint this as NRA being against Democrats. NRA endorses quite a few pro-gun Democrats. Shills the AHSA or Brady Camp tend to favor only one party.

But let the press keep crowing and the politicians try to push gun controls. It will be 1996 allover again.

2 Responses to “Rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Agree 100%, but I think you meant 1994–the midterm elections where the Dems got crushed post-AWB.

  2. Edward Says:

    But what if the Democrats don’t do anything major about guns before 2010?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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