Archive for November, 2008

November 20, 2008

Apples to oranges

Or rifles to pistols?

November 19, 2008

Calling a Duck a Duck

In the debate about whether to bail out the Big Three automakers or let them go into Chapter 11 (an issue about which I’m still genuinely on the fence), one of the commonly-repeated talking points I keep hearing from the anti-bailout crowd is that Chapter 11 would allow the automakers to “dispose of legacy costs.” It’s pretty clear what that actually means, however, and why the Chapter 11 proponents don’t want to call it what it is: Screwing the pensioners.

Now some will doubtless object that the federal pension insurance will cover the pensioners, but there are two problems with this. First, this insurance will only pay a fraction of what the pensioners are currently receiving, and secondly, it makes those payments on the taxpayer dime, which means that from that perspective, we’re screwing both the pensioners and the taxpayers.

Now maybe this is unavoidable at this point — maybe the pensioners can’t fully be saved. I don’t know. But when we’re talking about real people, real benefits, and real jobs, we should at least be honest about what it is we’re talking about doing.

Quick, to the Gore Mobile

Oh my:

Al Gore To Aid Franken’s Recount Effort

Al Gore To Lend A Hand In Georgia Senate Runoff Effort

May want to rethink that strategy. I mean, if you’re looking for someone to help steal an election, you might want to pick someone whose attempt at it was successful.

Good news/bad news

The good news: Senator Ted Stevens is out.

Bad news: One more senate seat with the capital D.

On the auto industry bail out

Sen. Richard Shelby:

I don’t think they have immediate plans to change their model, which is a model of failure. I think a lot of it will be life support. I believe their best option would be some type of Chapter 11 bankruptcy … These leaders have been failures and they need to go.

Really? I was gonna go with unsustainable labor costs.

Update: Union busting? In this case, I think unions are culpable. Paying more than 2.5 times the national average hourly wage for low-skilled labor is simply an unsustainable and uncompetitive cost structure.


Obama’s new AG will be Eric Holder, who is not good on guns. Sebastian doesn’t set the bar very high.

Update and bump: Jay points out the list of gun controls Holder supports:

* First, to require child safety locks for all handguns that are sold.

* Second, to ban violent juveniles from ever having the ability to own guns.

* Third, to pass the president’s handgun licensing proposal, which requires safety certification for all handgun purchasers.

* Fourth, to support research in smart gun technology which can limit a gun’s use to its authorized owner.

And finally, to close the gun show loophole by requiring a background check for all gun purchases at gun shows.

Helmke on the Election

Paul Helmke seems to have an odd definition of win:

We Win, They Lose. Now, Let’s Get To Work

That’s a rather odd way to look at it, since NRA endorsed candidates won more than non-NRA endorsed candidates. And, of course, the presidential campaign of Barack Obama went so far out of its way to distance itself from you and Obama’s anti-gun past that it hurt my head. I mean, the DLC even went to the trouble of setting up the false flag operation The American Hunters and Shooters Association to make him look pro-gun. They ran from your agenda and you call that a win?

Alrighty, then.

Update: More here.


This infuriates me:

A father arrested after his 6-year-old daughter was fatally shot in their Washington state home allegedly told authorities he had been drinking double shots of vodka while cleaning his guns.

Court papers say Richard Peters told detectives he had asked his daughter, Stormy, to bring him the .45-caliber handgun Sunday. He said he must have pulled the trigger, and the girl fell to the floor. She was pronounced dead Monday.

Jesus, I have no words. Well, I will note that the state is pursuing first degree murder charges.

Hanging together

Rustmeister on using the term Fudds:

I understand where the sentiment comes from – the perception that hunters sold gunnies down the river over the assault weapons ban and other gun control measures. However accurate the perception is, it’s done now. Grow the hell up.

Yes. We’re all in this boat together. Fudds and SNBIs. So, deal with it. If the hunters think their firearms are safe, it’s only because the anti-gunners haven’t started calling their weapons sniper rifles. Yet.


Stealing a five year-old little girl’s custom wheelchair (that cost $8,000) and destroying it.

At the link, there’s a way to give money to help the family get a replacement.

When is a gun not a gun?

If it’s built before 1898. Seems the guy couldn’t be in possession of ammo, though. I wonder if that applies to blackpowder ammunition? I know that, federally, blackpowder guns, regardless of the year made, are not considered firearms.


One more Illinois town repealed it’s gun ban. Only two to go.


Liveblogging a 1911 build.

Still more gun sales

Tromix Saiga 12s double in price.

Michael Bane says keep buying.

And, while you’re at it, today is National Ammo Day. So, buy some ammo too.

In Poker News

Another look at the WSOP and taxes. Eastgate has moved to London, possibly to avoid the ridiculous tax.

In other news, regulators have simply given up trying to enforce Bill Frist’s onerous Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act.

November 18, 2008

Speaking of Glocks

Ya know what I want out of a Glock? Note: I like Glocks and carry a Glock 30. Just a few suggestions to improve the perfection, perhaps making the cut for Fifth Generation Glocks. One is a picatinny rail instead of the slot. They put the rail on the Glock 21SF. I dunno, just seems a bit more useful. Also, if they could put some serrations toward the front of the side for those who like to press check their firearms.

More 4th Generation Glock

Pics here.

Heller Write Up At Reason

How the second amendment was restored.

Hey, I know that guy

This morning’s local talk radio VRWC affiliate (News Talk 100) mentioned Kim du Toit‘s National Ammo Day.

New shooters

Advice on introducing others to the sport from AZ Rifleman and Gregory.

Hank, why do you drink?

Seems Hank Jr. is planning to run for US senate.

Duke of URL

Unfortunate webpage addresses. Heh.

Gun Show Loophole

A journalist and a blogger go to the same gun show. One lies and one is truthful. Guess which one?

In other news, if you’re at a gun show and find a fully automatic Glock 23, grab one for me, will ya? They’re usually right there next to the rainbow-farting unicorns, pixie dust, and the global warming.

Second Amendment Blog Bash

Bitter tallies the tentative attendees.

Dealing with school shooter

A new way for police to deal with them: engage them. I guess it took a few dozen of them for police to realize that showing up and containing the area wasn’t really working.


Jeff notes one has been introduced. By Republicans.

Handy Tip

Don’t fire a waterlogged AR-15:

Via TFB.

You know what hasn’t happened in a while?

Some idiot at a local newspaper suing to get a list of concealed carry permit holders, that’s what. But some idiot journalists, who are unable to follow the backlash that usually happens when this occurs, are on the case.


Looser gun laws don’t equal more guns? Tulsa World:

Gun laws rated weakest, but state not a leader in ownership


Ranked by the strictness of gun-control laws, Oklahoma comes dead last on a list from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a group affiliated with former White House press secretary James Brady, who was injured during a 1981 assassination attempt on President
Ronald Reagan.

In other words, according to the Brady Campaign, it’s easier to buy and sell guns in Oklahoma than anywhere else in America — except maybe Kentucky, which ties with Oklahoma for the bottom of the campaign’s list.

That doesn’t fit the narrative.

November 17, 2008

On a personal note

The Mrs.’s grandmother isn’t doing so well. If you’re the praying sort, send a few her way.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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