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Speaking of gun sales

Rich is getting a new one.

Carnaby has a new one.

2 Responses to “Speaking of gun sales”

  1. LissaKay Says:

    Rich actually had to work a double deal … he had to get past me first, which led to the deal he blogged about.

    But now we are shopping for one for me too. I am thinking a 9mm. I tried on a couple tonight at Coal Creek. We might go for the XDm 9 for me. His and hers guns – wouldn’t that be sweet? I wonder if we could put them on our wedding registry?

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    The Rivrdog just bought a rifle, a nearly perfect Israeli Mauser. For those unfamiliar with these, they have been reworked by IAI to shoot 7.62 NATO.

    “Golda” is my bedroom rifle now, and all she needs is a fistful of Mauser K98 stripper clips to make her complete. If anyone knows who has these, let me know.

    I’m done with my Obama-prep, and even have one Semi-EBR to get rid of (a Mini-30). Holler if you need one or mags, I’ve a drawer full of those.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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