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Smart political moves

John Murtha: There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area.

Joe Biden tells NBC I don’t “have any Joe the Plumbers in my neighborhood”.

31 Responses to “Smart political moves”

  1. chrisb Says:

    Keep ’em coming boys, you just might sink Obama yet!

  2. Manish Says:

    If my plumber is making more than $250,000 a year (and net not gross), I want a refund.

  3. drstrangegun Says:

    Joe doesn’t make $250K. He *wants* to. God forbid anyone in this nation ever want to get ahead…

  4. Gmac Says:

    Considering Biden lives on a 3 million dollar lakefront estate I’d be surprised if anyone that lives near him earned a regular living doing service work.

  5. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    If my plumber is making more than $250,000 a year (and net not gross), I want a refund. – Manish

    I don’t. The last thing I want to do is deal with that $h1t myself.

    But drstrangegun is right, he doesn’t make that much right now. He want’s to own his own plumbing business and employ *other* plumbers. But is afraid he won’t be able to do that if Obama takes more of his income first.

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    Around here if my plumber isn’t making $250k a year he’s slow and incompetent. I know of a plumber who buried cash from jobs in coffee-cans in his back yard – a better investment than in Bear Stearns…

  7. Manish Says:

    Considering Biden lives on a 3 million dollar lakefront estate I’d be surprised if anyone that lives near him earned a regular living doing service work.

    Biden has been a US Senator for over 30 years. His current salary is a little less than $170,000. I don’t know what his wife makes, but its probably less than $80,000 a year. This means that the Biden family makes less than what Joe the Plumber makes.

  8. drstrangegun Says:

    “This means that the Biden family makes less than what Joe the Plumber makes.”


    I swear to GOD these election cycles are going to drive me insane.

  9. mike w. Says:

    I drive through Greenville (where Biden lives) everyday on the way to work and let’s just say there’s no way in hell someone who lives in that area can call themselves “middle class” or claim that they identify with the middle class.

    Why do you think he always harps on his working class Scranton roots? You never hear him say anything about Greenville or his nice house because that’d make him seem like just another yuppie, liberal, elitist politician. (which of course he is)

  10. Sean Braisted Says:


    That quote would be like if someone said, “It is not true that I am a terrorist,” and you truncated it to “I am a terrorist.”

    Regardless, I don’t understand what would prohibit Bob the builder or Joe the plumber from making above $250K? Will it no longer be worth it if income over the 250K mark is taxed at 39% instead of 36%? Has anyone ever refused a pay increase because that extra income would be taxed at a higher rate?

  11. Manish Says:


    which means that under the Obama plan, Joe is going to get a bigger tax cut than under McCain. Won’t that extra money help in him buying the business?

    Beyond that, the company he’s buying makes $250,000 – $280,000 per year according to Joe. Under the Obama plan, assuming the company makes $280,000, Joe will pay an extra $900 in taxes meaning his effective tax rate goes up by 0.3%..i.e. what he would have paid under Reagan.

  12. Phenicks Says:

    Yes he will have to pay higher personal taxes, higher business taxes as well as come up with the money to pay for the insurance costs (mandated insurance = Tax) that Obama/ Biden mandate for his employees. More costs per employee = less employees.

  13. rightwingprof Says:

    And the Russell Brigade responds. By the way, if you can spare it, click the link and donate. Bill Russell’s a good man. I’ve met him (I live in the next district over). I don’t think Jesus Christ Himself would have a chance of unseating Murtha, but he’s running one hell of a campaign and he deserves our support.

  14. Metulj Says:

    Uh, oh.

    A new hero dies at the gates of Troy.

  15. SayUncle Says:

    well, if you criticize the messiah, the press will destroy you.

  16. Sean Braisted Says:


    Well, he’s already done more interviews than Sarah Palin, so perhaps he is ready to be her replacement on the ticket.

  17. Manish Says:

    Yes he will have to pay higher personal taxes, higher business taxes as well as come up with the money to pay for the insurance costs

    except that Obama has said that he would exempt small businesses from health insurance obligations and that you only have to pay higher taxes if your net income is over $250k, which 98% of small businesses fall under.

    Well, he’s already done more interviews than Sarah Palin, so perhaps he is ready to be her replacement on the ticket.

    heh, indeed.

  18. Dan Says:

    I wonder how many racists it would take to re-elect Murtha.

    Ironic that Joe the plumber is making a leak in Obama’s failed Tax policy. Throw taxes on the heap of Obama’s misrepresentations and failures alongside with his misguided views on the 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, hanging out with racist bigots, foreign policy, and putting to death abortion survivors.

  19. Metulj Says:

    “well, if you criticize the messiah, the press will destroy you.”

    Now that’s a mixed metaphor if I have ever read one. I thought the press were secular priests bent on destroying American culture. (One of my favorite Limbaugh head scratchers).

    Anyhow, I figure the press is getting cosy because they need that easy narrative. Nothing lazier than a journalist.

    Also, again, Joe the Plumber either needs to hire a CPA or fire the idiot that is doing his books for him (which I suspect he is the idiot). You know I am right on that one.

  20. SayUncle Says:

    Well, their allegations seem to be:

    He’s not licensed. Turns out, doesn’t have to be since he’s an employee and works for a licensed plumber.

    He’s not a registered voter! Turns out, some ACORN employee probably misspelled his name on a form.

    He owes money for taxes. Rather puts to rest the alleged $250k per year he supposedly makes.

    Oh noes!!!

    It’s odd that the press seems content to dig up dirt on someone who, by most accounts, seems to be your typical middle-American.

  21. Les Jones Says:

    Thanks to Metulj’s link here’s the source of the $250,000 number:

    Mr. Wurzelbacher said he was concerned about having to pay taxes as he reached a point where he could afford to buy his own plumbing business, one he said would draw income of $250,000 a year.

    “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” he told Mr. Obama during an exchange that was filmed and later showed up on YouTube. “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”

    So he isn’t making that much now. He’s considering buying a business that makes that much. Whether that’s gross or net is anyone’s guess.

  22. Manish Says:

    It’s odd that the press seems content to dig up dirt on someone who, by most accounts, seems to be your typical middle-American.

    Ah, memories of Graeme Frost and his counter tops. Joe the Plumber has had his 15 minutes, lets move on. I suspect that the people who are going to have sympathy for someone buying a business that nets $280k who has to pay a grand total of $900 more in taxes

  23. Manish Says:

    oopps..the last sentence should read:

    I suspect that the people who are going to have sympathy for someone buying a business that nets $280k who has to pay a grand total of $900 more in taxes were already McCain voters.

  24. SayUncle Says:

    lets move on

    I doubt that will happen for a week or so. Seems Joe articulates capitalist ideas better than the Republican ticket.

  25. Linoge Says:

    God forbid that someone should have the drive, motivation, and initiative to actually try and move ahead and better himself and others financially.

    Nope, we must punish that kind of person, and tax him even more, to “spread the wealth”. Only then will we live up to the ideals of the Obamamessiah.

    Should Obama win the election (which is looking more and more probable as the days progress), I sincerely fear for our country.

  26. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Even if it is only $900 more in taxes, it means that he’s going to have to reduce expenses or increase prices by $1500 to replace that income.

    So either you or I is going to have to pay more for his services (which will disproportionatly hurt the poor and middle class), or some employee (most likely an apprentice, being the low guy on the totem pole) is going to have to take a $1500 reduction in pay/benefits.

    Let’s face it. As the owner of the business, he’s not going to cut his own pay.

    So, by socialist demand, where going to hurt the poor and middle class with higher prices and hurt the poor guy trying to learn a skill. So yeah, by all means, let’s stick it to “The Man”.

  27. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Ye Gods, how in the hell did I mispell “we are” as “where”?

  28. Manish Says:

    YAG..seeing as 98% of small businesses make less than $250k, if this person tries to raise prices, competition will ensure that he won’t be able to get away with it. His customers will merely go to someone else. Also, if he can maximize his profit by raising prices or lowering expenses, he will do this anyway without the provocation of higher taxes. If he raises prices too much, his customers will flee to other companies. If he lowers his employees pay or benefits, they will go to other firms paying more.

    Prices of good and services (both the cost of plumbing services and labor) are set by supply and demand, not tax policy. GM is having to sell its SUVs at a loss because Americans are no longer interested in them. Prius’ are flying off the lots for similar reasons.

  29. emdfl Says:

    The reality is that the socialist has said that he and his party will let the Bush tx cuts lapse so anybody paying taxes will have their tax go up. And if you aren’t paying taxes, SDSU.

  30. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    That’s right. If there is such an imbalance, his business will suffer. At which point, he just works less, so that his marginal return on investment (time) stays the same.

    So yep, his choices are to raise prices, lower wages, or lower production. Sounds like a plan to me.

  31. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    And as for the 2% line: Most small business under the $250k cap are one person businesses. However, it’s the one’s over that cap that employ the ubiquitous “1-499” employees. If you think that impact is miniscule, see here.

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