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We’re winning

Or, rather, they’re losing.

Joe notes that Josh Horowitz of the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, which has never been educational, now will also not be a fund. Seems that they are out of money err lacking support err going to practice telecommuting err are cutting back on office space and paying jobs.

2 Responses to “We’re winning”

  1. Bitter Says:

    While I don’t deny that it was amusing reading about their woes, the move they are making is not uncommon in non-profit circles. I know of successful non-profits that have opted for minimal office space – essentially a meeting room and storage area – and work through virtual offices. Granted, that’s because those tend to be set up to accommodate employees from around the country.

    However, I did just want to throw out there that it’s not at all uncommon in the non-profit world to see these kinds of transitions.

    But how bad is he as a manager if it took two months of barely making rent to decide there might be a problem? I mean come on, he should have seen that coming.

  2. _Jon Says:

    “practice telecommuting” heh.

    IMO, a lot of these ‘organizations’ can be ‘organized’ via people working part-time from home anyways. I think they need to do that more. I think they need to do more with just phone calls, e-mails, and occasional conventions. I think the more of that they do, the easier it will be for someone (*cough*) to get a mole into their organization by simply providing a name and contact info.


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