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New Shooters

So, after all the festivities this Fourth of July, we had the in-laws over. And I had the pleasure of teaching two nephews (age eight) and my niece (age seven) gun safety. I printed off the four rules and had them each read the rules. Told them they’d be quizzed on the rules later too. They memorized and were reciting the rules pretty quickly. They were very excited about shooting.

After, we broke out the Gamo 220 Hunter, a rest, and a mat for shooting. Explained the rules of the backyard range (i.e., don’t cross the firing line; range hot and cold, etc.). I take the first shot so they know how the gun sounds.

First round of targets were at about 10 yards and I had stuck some Shoot-N-Cs to a 3/4 inch board. First nephew lines up his shot after I explain how to address the gun in the prone position; how to line up the scope; squeeze the trigger and do not snap it; etc. First round connects. Second nephew barely missed and I told him he pulled the gun. The niece missed as well. I attributed that to nervousness.

After that, all three were dead on. We shot all manner of can, water bottle, box, and more Shoot-N-C targets. They all took their targets home to show their friends.

I told them they could come back any time and we’d do it again.

Junior was invited. She came and watched the first shot by her cousin and then grew bored. Hard to keep a four year-old entertained when there’s a lot of just standing around.

4 Responses to “New Shooters”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Well done. I was probably 19 or 20 the first time I fired a gun (20 gauge), and I bet I was at least 21 before I fired a handgun. Better to get them familiar with the rules (and comfortable and responsible around guns) early.

  2. guy Says:

    That gamo says 30 lbs cocking effort. Did you have to cock it for them or could they manage?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    guy, they could do it if i held the gun.

  4. Tracy Says:

    I think it is great to start them with the basics when they’re young. I’m in my early 30’s and just I picked up a gun for the first time last summer. My husband begged me for years to learn the basics “just in case.” Now that I’ve been bit by the bug, I LOVE it! I just wish I had been introduced to the sport when I was young. Keep up the good work!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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